I think I’ve talked with my sibling twice in the last three years. They’ve gone off the deep end with right wing stuff and I just don’t have the capacity for it. It’s difficult to cut ties but sometimes it’s the way to go
I think I’ve talked with my sibling twice in the last three years. They’ve gone off the deep end with right wing stuff and I just don’t have the capacity for it. It’s difficult to cut ties but sometimes it’s the way to go
My roommate and I used to date and I’m still in love with them. We’re making it work well but everything is messy
I went through a lot of therapy to get past my fear of telling people I love them and getting broken up with shortly after, the day I was going to tell my now roommate I love them they broke up with me out of nowhere. We didn’t even date that long and the breakup was nearly a year ago and it still hurts. I don’t have many regrets in life but not telling them sooner is one of them
I had lower surgery shortly after they broke up with me. I was so excited to have someone there for me emotionally and physically after surgery. Now I have nobody and I’m scared to have sex. I don’t know how to work past this and therapy hasn’t been helping
I just want to be able to connect with someone without the crushing weight of trust issues around every corner. I miss being with my roommate so much, one of the happiest and most exciting relationships I’ve ever had
I’d also like to chip in that alcoholism is sneaky. Be careful with drinking
Excitedly getting monologued to about niche things that are like magic to me is the best. Learning just enough about someone’s interest to use all the words wrong though is what really gets me going
2025 is going to be very difficult for me but it’s hopefully transitory into better stuff. My entire social circle collapsed this year so I’m taking the opportunity to move to Sweden and hopefully go back to school. Don’t have to worry so much about leaving my friends and loved ones behind if I don’t have very many left lol