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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023

  • LiveLM@lemmy.ziptoLinux@lemmy.mlWhy do you still hate Windows?
    17 hours ago

    So. Fucking. True. oh my god.

    I want to turn Bluetooth on in a script!

    Linux? Two or three commands.
    Powershell? Here, run this monster or download an application to do it for you and call that via the command line.

    Last time I used Windows, the only way to suspend the machine was either poking some random ass .dll from System32 or downloading PsSuspend by Sysinternals ffs!

  • Well I really dislike updating my computer (and on this topic, Windows Update is inconvenient and slow as balls!) and finding some new BS from Microsoft on it.
    One day it’s Copilot, which I could just use on the browser if I really wanted to, the next day it’ll be Recall, which just… no.

    Know what I mean?

  • A short while ago, Jimmy Secretan posted this response on everything that happened today:
    “We have paused everything related to our Fediverse ingestion for now and we are removing everything ingested.
    To be honest, the extreme negative reaction was a surprise to me, as I thought interaction between disparate systems was the entire point, but clearly we didn’t navigate the culture correctly.”

    Make the world a better place, bully your local tech bro today!

  • LiveLM@lemmy.ziptoLinux@lemmy.mlOpinions on KDE Plasma 6
    2 months ago

    I had to wait a little for my favorite widgets to get updated to 6, now I’m good.
    I have been using the Wayland session for a while (I was on for months on 5), and it solved so many multi-monitor woes it has been worth the switch. So far my only complaint is that remote access solutions are rather limited on Plasma, with Sunshine and Moonlight being the only consistently working solution, as Krfb (VNC) crashes randomly, doesn’t handle modifier keys well and forces you to click “OK” on a dialog every startup, thus making it useless for unattended access (Plasma issue).

    Other than remote access, no complaints.