it does get marginally better once you do run out.
it does get marginally better once you do run out.
tbh i don’t think a single can in a day is all that much if your diet is otherwise reasonable and balanced.
do you think it’s the bubbles or the 40-some mg of caffeine that gets you grabbing one every day?
wasn’t everyone born on 1 jan 1970 at 00:00:00 utc?
bluestacks would probably be the emulator to use.
only the feds can prosecute federal crimes, afaik. this administration won’t let that happen. any federal prosecutor that wants to take a shot is gonna get fired or pushed out a window the instant their intent becomes known.
the dipshit would have to venture to a state with non-conflicting laws on the books, break them in some spectacular fashion, and that state would have to have an ag willing to go down that road and prosecute.
some cheap all-in-ones i’ve worked on have hdmi in and out.
one of 'em i have here is an old atom celeron dell aio with 1600x900 native screen but on its hdmi input, it’ll run at 1920x1080. and yea, running that instead of its true native res sucks about as bad as you think it would–but it is still ‘usable’. the real sucky bit, though, is the pc has to be on in order to switch it to hdmi in.
a lenovo aio that went through here a couple years ago had to be rebooted to switch it from hdmi input mode (acting as a standalone monitor) back to pc.
the first ‘cheat code’ that came to mind here isn’t for a game:
Select • Play • Select • 30 • Select
didn’t play much og sims, but sims2 (and later, iirc), motherlode gives more.
i also had a few custom items i could drop in to a house, too.
used to be one in rhel… system-config-date or something like that.
wordpress.com, the hosted wp service, is a pretty solid. still comes with matt, though, but that drama doesn’t really affect you as a wp.com user.
anyone who comes to me about hosting wordpress, i send there. i don’t wanna deal with it, nor do i really want that hackerbot magnet on my boxes.
for linux and the most basic of basic tasks, i’d look at peppermint. it’s what i put on all the old crap here with ‘marginal’ specs that choke on windows. debian stable xfce based. base install is pretty sparse, not even a browser is included initially. a utility pops up after first boot to facilitate installing a browser, media player, and a few other things if you want them, or the entire debian stable repository is also available. one thing of note. with only 2gb ram, it’s gonna be tight, whatever he runs on it.
his use case is screaming for a cheap chromebook, though. so at least consider that instead. an old laptop like that might make someone a nice little pihole or something, if it’s not ready to be put down for good.
I know i would go crazy eating the same bland flakes
make it the total raisin bran variety and i could probably handle it for at least a month or two.
i’d probably opt for a cheap android tablet that’s only used for fb, nothing else.
and in ‘full paranoid’ mode, i’d also avoid using my own home or work wifi with it, too. the library’s public hotspot is convenient enough to both locations.
backup. backup. backup.
then also check the SMART stats on it and run the internal tests. if you don’t know how, gsmartcontrol is a good place to start.
i’ve had a couple disks fail right away, and others that just go forever–and one of those is a deathstar, even.
at least you’re just replacing the ‘box’ and not the whole tv. which is one of the main benefits of not using the ‘smart’ inside the tv, and using an external device instead. cheaper to upgrade the ‘smart’ part.
i mostly use old cheap laptops with ulv soc (about 6 watts with lid down, screen off). has worked for me, so far. have a compact wireless keyboard with integrated trackpad (the older logi one) for a ‘remote’. on the tv i also have a full-fledged desktop attached to one input… why do client-server when i can hook the ‘server’ right up?
cheap Android device from Walmart with a custom OS
they had a pile of these on closeout last time i wandered through electronics, ima have to make a trip tomorrow to see exactly what they are. from venturing over to the xda forums, it would appear that i’m looking for the 2021 or 2023 models? i don’t have pocket internet, so i’ve got to jot down a few notes of what to look for.
of the two, common sense media says apple is better from a privacy standpoint.
and, if i had a roku-powered tv, i’d skip the internet on it (never hook it up) and use an external device, even if it was just a roku stick.
mine is a few blocks away, and requires sacrifice of an always-increasing amount of coinage (literally every other trip costs more).
the dryer half does the same but also now takes twice as long to do its job–requiring even more coinage sacrifice.
they’re also now scared of the dark (it isn’t 24/7 like it used to be), meaning i can’t go there at odd hours to avoid people.
it’s built in. should not be necessary to do this.