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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 17th, 2023


  • I was into the ThatGuyWithTheGlasses community about 15 years ago, I watched NostalgiaCritic every week, and tye Spoony Experiment often as well as some other channels.

    When Doug killed his NC character and tried to start a new series with a character based of a failed movie director, I stopped watching, then I saw a video about the drama at tgwtg and lost all interest in the team.

    I have watched one or two video from them since when NC was revived, but it is completely uninteresting now.

  • Please don’t be too harsh on yourself, you don’t actually know that it would have been a good idea, it is impossible to say if it would have been better or not.

    You took the logical route, finnishing your education, which opened other doors for you.

    I tend to see life as a game where you are given a set of playing cards at birth, you gradually take over control of your deck as you grow up.

    You play your individual cards with the knowledge you have, and every play can give you even better cards to use later.

    You have no idea if you are about to get your next break, you can only play your cards with the knowledge you have.

  • I have been using a pair of Roth Audio OLi-RA1 speakers with my computer, they are real stereo speakers and require an amplifier to wire them up and power them.

    The are excellent speakers, good general speakers, and not that expensive.

    I don’t use a subwoofer, but it isn’t really needed for me, I do miss some sub bass, but that never bothered me.

    I am currently running them with a no brand Chinese analog amp, from the soubd out on my monitor that is connected to my computer with DisplayPort.

    Works great.

    I sm considering getting a Dennon RCD-M41 tl replace my amp, but have not had any need to do so in the last eight years.

  • I was suckered into the shark cards on GTA Online, I worked terrible hours and it was my escape.

    I bought shark cards for thousands of SEK ocer a year or so, not much in compared to normal whales, but I did feel the addiction drawing me in harder.

    Then one day I had just had enough, and uninstalled the game, else I knew I would continue.

    I am glad though, the money I spent was not wasted, it taught me a valuable lesson about what to look out for, and how to recognize sinkholes like this.

  • Swede here, in general thw Swedes are very law abiding, there are plenty of laws and regulations that carries no punnishment, but they are still followed.

    When I need to speak with say the tax authority, I call the general customer service number, and adopt a persona of positivity and friendlyness, I speak to them as a coworker that I need help from, this is simply because we are both trying to solve the issue.

    When talking to my manager at work or even the CEO, we talk like coworkers, we joke, talk about the weekend and lunch recommendations. I know they are my managers, they know that I know that as well, there is no need to keep enforcing it in our day to day tasks.

    Talking to Police is done politely and relaxed, I have never been mistreated, though I am white and clearly Swedish who lives a quiet life.