Moving to Linux soon, and wondering how pirated games work with it. I know about proton with steam and lutris for most bought games, but how would I run pirated windows games over there?

    11 months ago

    For jc141 and LinuxRulez it really is just 2 clicks once you have the dependencies installed. Your distro will already have most stuff installed but if you follow along with the jc141 setup they basically cover nearly every option that someone might need to get their repacks to just work.

    I just checked and it took 16 clicks within Lutris to install a Fitgirl repack, not counting the Fitgirl install setup part.

    I’d personally much prefer to do that than to have to deal with Windows and Microsoft but thats just because I care more about online privacy and can’t stand monopolies more than the average person.

    To make it even easier, instead of using Lutris you could just install them as non Steam games in Steam, again I probably would just use Steam to install them if I didn’t care about privacy and stuff.

    I don’t see these things as a linux issue but more so as a monopoly issue. Microsoft has gone decades doing everything they can to ensure Windows is what people think of when they think of computers and its worked.