• 3 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 3rd, 2023


  • Simplicity of design. Rust is built cleverly. It has lots of features and there are also tons of clever ways to solve a problem. Odin is quite simple and although not entirely minimalistic, it is written in a very clear way when approaching a problem. The borrow checker in rust in one thing I would call clever. It takes time to get used and although can be quite useful for safety it is too clever.

  • Well I want to be part of the decentralized web. I think it is very cool to be free of corporations. Just was wondering if there was a point in all of this. Of course the fediverse is better than centralized solutions but I don’t know if there is even a point in trying to build these platforms as they are just a way to waste time. Although it might be a good idea to keep but just never scroll and only use to ask for help, opinions or just to share what is on your mind. It is a useful tool just not what it is mainly used for.

  • I don’t spend very much time on here I average 5 hours a week but it is still bad for me. I never feel satisfied afterwards and for some reason still come back. I was thinking it would be better to cut it off entirely as it is a bad influence and just have IRC as my main way of chatting with other humans. I think IRC is a bit healthier because it is a direct interaction and there is no upvotes or any fake internet points involved.

  • Ran yay in the background (forgot about it) and then a few minutes later closed my computer because I was all of a sudden at 100% cpu usage and I didn’t know what process was causing it and the easiest way to kill it would be too shut down the machine. I probably should’ve just opened btop and killed it but I was too lazy. I ended not being able to boot my computer for a few days untul some nice lemmy folk walked my through my first chroot rescue. It was a educational experience. Next time someone makes the same mistake I can help them out.