Well that God guy did have an awesome seven day hyperfocus creation project going a while back and has done very little since.
So that checks out
Well that God guy did have an awesome seven day hyperfocus creation project going a while back and has done very little since.
So that checks out
So it’s almost time for teal, orange et other fun colors, mixed with translucent plastic lab équipement?
Oof that his home.
All I can say is that things can turn it better, it has for me personally.
It’s great of you that you inspire others, though, not hypocritical, it’s what we all need sometimes. Doesn’t matter if you don’t see it personally, you are helping another human being get along.
So people selling guns should be tried for murder of they are used by a murderer?
Many Zoomers voted for him too, unfortunately
ideally sent to Gitmo
I though that detouring people we disagree with politically was the thing we didn’t like about Trump.
Yup zorg goed voor jezelf, ik zal voor je duimen!
Thnx! Such a great find
Charmander is a great driving force of global warming, this poor thing will be extinct in the blink of a great many eyes.
I have the wallet of an old German conductor out of München Gladbach, Arnold Queasten. I found it in a thrift store as it looked like a nice quality leather wallet.
In it are still some notes from Arnold, on two of his business cards. A note of someone here knew from the war, and another person from the flute section.
There was one pfennig, a German penny still in it. So I have Arnold’s last penny. I found his grave on findagrave, one day I’ll visit that.
I’m now terribly afraid of losing the wallet, though, because I’m unsure a casual finder would appreciate the beauty of such a piece.
Upvote for RL Burnside. I’ll also suggest his ‘i wish I was in heaven sitting down’ a very smooth colab between an old Delta bluesman and a DJ
I’m also curious as to what the symbiotic relationship with the genus Mustelidae is
Are there others?
Hah,I didn’t know either, but love that you are around!
You may have cheated death:
Just go looking for the chocolate one
‘What a nice blouse you have on there’
Nick Cave albums are very bipolar to me. I love murder ballads, no more shall we part, lyre of Orpheus/abattoir blues, but hate his grinder man stuff and the Higgs Boson blues.
The merci seat is better by Johnnie Cash.
I still must listen the new album, but I’m kind of torn as I don’t want to hate it.