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Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • Alue42@kbin.socialtoScience Memes@mander.xyzHero
    4 months ago

    I really don’t think you have a grasp on what his view actually were - and people tend to try to twist what little is out there from him into what they want it to mean. Being disillusioned by the infighting for credit amongst his peers is not the same as having an issue with publishing. There’s nothing in that argument that says publishing or the industry is the issue - just the arguing for credit. The only information he gave about why he stopped publishing was that he didn’t want to be in the public eye like he was on display like he was in a zoo by being offered rewards.

  • Alue42@kbin.socialtoScience Memes@mander.xyzHero
    4 months ago

    Do you even understand WHY he refused the prize? It was because correct work shouldn’t have to be rewarded (and because Hamilton’s work was equal to his). That doesn’t negate the fact that the work still needs to be reviewed and be reproducible (ie, peer reviewed), it just means let’s not waste time and money standing around and applauding ourselves.

    That still doesn’t have anything to do with any of the previous comments.

  • Alue42@kbin.socialtoScience Memes@mander.xyzHero
    4 months ago

    The resources you mentioned are hosted through Cornell by volunteers (who have other full time jobs), presumably Cornell has a rigorous in-house hosting system. And this is only for receiving the articles submitted to them that are pre- and post-print, they do not solicit articles or comments, nor do they have management of any journal publications or events.

    I truly do not think you are grasping the enormity of the tasks required to run a journal. It is not simply forwarding the article to peer reviewers and then hosting it. There are legal aspects that go along with managing a journal, recruiting a review board for each article (making sure they are experts in the field, not just random reviewers), getting comments on each article, maintaining a job board for a student chapter, hosting events, hosting annual or biannual conferences, and so many more things. Each article doesn’t just get put up online, it literally needs to be PUBLISHED which comes with it’s own aspects, isbn numbers, doi number, fees, etc.

    The paywall includes paying for the specific article, or becoming a member of the journal. Being member of the journal unlocks ALL articles in the journal (which didn’t used to be the case prior to digital editions. I still have my physical journals editions of many journals I’m a member of because it used to be you only had access to the articles from the years you were actually a member and were sent the physical copies). Many people that publish will be members of the journal which lowers the cost to submit articles significantly, while also giving them access to the articles published. Additionally, instead of looking solely at the journal for the article, most people know to look at the source of the research for the PDF (ie, look for the author’s university site or personal page to look for a link to a PDF) because generally whoever paid for the research wants the research to be available to be read, especially if it was paid for by taxpayers. And STILL if you find an article that you don’t have access to, and your university is not a member to the journal or local library is not a member and neither can do an interlibrary loan for it, you can STILL simply email the author and ask if they can send it to you and chances are they will be more than willing.

    So I’m still not entirely sure what the issue is, except an incredibly immature and naive desire to complain about information not being open access because grr I’ve been told all capitalism is bad, so I must apply it to everything because I don’t know how to actually look for information and don’t know how to think for myself grrr.

  • Alue42@kbin.socialtoScience Memes@mander.xyzHero
    4 months ago

    The reviewers are not compensated, but the editorial staff that maintain the journal are (part of which is recruiting and maintaining a reviewing board, soliciting comments, sending articles for review/rewrite, etc), as well as the staff that organize and put together the conferences that each journal hosts, and all other aspects of maintaining a journal such as partnerships with libraries and schools, memberships lists, etc. Did you think the fee only covered the Internet hosting?

  • Alue42@kbin.socialtoScience Memes@mander.xyzHero
    4 months ago

    Do you not write the publishing fees into your grant proposals? And the paywall is just to access through the journal, you can generally just email the author and they will send you a PDF of the work - because the whole point is for the work to be known about and referenced in more work, which can only be done if it’s read. The work being in the journal means that it’s been peer-reviewed and is scientifically rigorous (which is part of what the fee covers)

  • Alue42@kbin.socialtoScience Memes@mander.xyzHero
    4 months ago

    Seriously. I read this and all I could think was “what a dick”.

    Disclaimer, I have not read the full source material and am only basing this off the quoted image.

    I fully understand not being interested in having to attract your own funding, it’s awful. But the rest of it is not limited to the academic or scientific pursuits. Being a decent enough person so people want to support you? Developing good work that people want to hear about it (ie conferences)? (By the way, you submit your own work to conferences and they are judged to be invited blindly, ie names removed), being able to hold your tongue when you know someone is wrong in order to keep peace? Understanding that hierarchy exists?

    These are not things that are antithesis to good science, and if no one had ever taught her these things that’s a failing on her younger days.

  • What about when wearing (really good) noise cancelling head phones? Everything you’ve mentioned is when there is some sort of noise going on, but it’s it also happening with everything cancelled out? A few people have pointed out Auditory Pareidoilia which is your brain trying to find words/pattern/meaning in the noise it is hearing, but is it also doing that when the only sound it can hear is it’s own blood whooshing though your veins, which it should be used to? What about in a sensory deprivation tank?

    There’s Hearing - which is what the all the tiny bits of your ears connected to the nerves do, then there’s Perception - which is how your brain interprets the information it receives from the nerves connected to your ears and puts it back together. Basically, your brain is working overtime to try to figure out why you are listening to the noise you are listening to. As long as it’s only happening in those situations described and, as others have said, it’s not voices telling to do anything.

  • Completely depends on the project. For general, everyday work, I’ll go out for a day or two once every two or three weeks. For something that needs more detail or collaboration, I’ll go out for a week and then not go back for a month or five weeks. If I’m working on a project outside of my normal office (I mentioned Guam and Amsterdam, but I’ve had projects elsewhere, too), I’ll work from home while I can and then travel there for two to three weeks and during that time I wouldn’t travel to my actual office for months.

  • Way back in college (20ish years ago) I had a friend that was living on the Illinois/Indiana boarder. He lived in Indiana but went to college in Illinois, so he was going to school in one time zone and working in another. To make matters worse, in those days Indiana had some counties that observed daylight savings and some that didn’t. So he had to keep track of what shift he was on for work in his own county and if it was daylight savings or not, and in case he was making plans with any friends in other counties or just going to stores or appointments or anything, and what times he had to go to class in the other time zone. He says there were days he would show up places three hours late even though he only lived 20 minutes away because he didn’t realize time had sprung forward and he had his watch set on the wrong state.

    This was before smartphones, and I think the state has done away with that partially observing the time switch thing.

    Personally, I’m a SuperCommuter and commute long distances for work, but only occasionally. So I’ll live on the West Coast but my office is on the East Coast, so I think in office time. For me, 4am is 7am because that’s what time it is for the rest of my team. Occasionally I’ll have to set my internal clock to Guam Time or Amsterdam Time for a couple weeks at a time until a project is done, and it makes it much easier when I fly out there because my brain is already on that rhythm.

  • It’s not that I hate 3d effects, but I’ll avoid them if I can, for a variety of reasons.

    As other people have said - I wear glasses, I having to put the glasses over my own glasses just makes it difficult. They don’t stay on and I have to hold them, it makes the image askew, it’s uncomfortable on my nose and ears when it does “fit”. They really should come up with a more inclusive way to watch these as a good portion of the population wears glasses.

    For another, I suffer from migraines and 3d effects not done well tend to trigger them, and I already have enough triggers that I can’t avoid.

    A strange one needs a little bit of backstory - I was never great a sports as a kid, could never quite catch a pop-up or hit a fast ball, but I was great at throwing or other aspects. People wrote it off as just “unathletic” and I went on to live my life as a weird nerdy kid despite the rest of my family being athletic. Fast forward to my adult life when I was put on a very strong medication and needed a very thorough eye exam and a result to set a baseline to make sure the medication doesn’t end up damaging my retinas (thorough to the point that the exam was 5 hours and I had tests done I’d never seen it heard of before).
    It turns out my eyes/brain only interpret half the depth perception of the average person. So what I’m seeing during a 3d movie is not what’s meant to be seen. And since this is not an eye exam that would be regularly given - who knows if it people that are complaining about the movies have the same issue I do? Cartoon-y 3d (like Disney world/theme Park things) is fine for me, but things like Avatar just give me migraines.

  • Perhaps you could look into some other sex clubs if you are looking into keeping yourself protected. There are ones that in order to get in one must provide an STD test from within 3 months and a recent one, and agree to use condoms with all encounters, and those caught trying to sneak the condom off would be blacklisted from the club (and from the community at large as talk travels quickly). Of course, access to a club with that kind of monitoring comes with a higher cost, but are highly kink-friendly and take protection of everyone’s safety paramount, and encourage exploration.