• 4 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 23rd, 2022


  • I know it’s not new, but I’ve been seeing a lot more “suggested” (read: sponsored) places along my routes these days. Either businesses are just now discovering the feature, or they lowered the barrier for entry. Either way, it’s annoying as fuck to have ads pop up that I have to avoid when moving the map around to navigate

  • BaumGeist@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlLinux middle ground?
    7 days ago

    Debian Testing has a lot more current packages, and is generally fairly stable. Debian Unstable is rolling release, and mostly a misnomer (but it is subject to massive changes at a moment’s notice).

    Fedora is like Debian Testing: a good middleground between current and stable.

    I hear lots of good things about Nix, but I still haven’t tried it. It seems to be the perfect blend of non-breaking and most up-to-date.

    I’ll just add to: don’t believe everything you hear. Distrowars result in rhetoric that’s way blown out of proportion. Arch isn’t breaking down more often than a cybertruck, and Debian isn’t so old that it yearns for the performance of Windows Vista.

    Arch breaks, so does anything that tries to push updates at the drop of a hat; it’s unlikely to brick your pc, and you’ll just need to reconfigure some settings.

    Debian is stable as its primary goal, this means the numbers don’t look as big on paper; for that you should be playing cookie clicker, instead of micromanaging the worlds’ most powerful web browser.

    Try things out for yourself and see what fits, anyone who says otherwise is just trying to program you into joining their culture war

  • I’ll have to give starship a try, seems like a cool way to handle customizing the prompt

    as to the “omz is bloat and slows down your shell”:

    1. How slow? Because I’ve never noticed. Are we talking about waiting for 15 seconds when I should only have to wait for 1, or are we talking theory and the difference between 0.5 vs 0.08 seconds in benchmarks?

    Because I’ve never been inconvenienced by the speed of my shell nor terminal emulator, despite having tried all kinds of setups. Turns out that “blazing fast” gpu accelerated terminal really didn’t make much of a difference on human timescales. Now I’m at the point where I appreciate the features over the performance.

    1. In reply to Brody’s point, I’m inclined to say “yes, and…?”

    OMZ automates a lot. Sure, I could follow his way of manulaly sourcing dozens of individual shellscripts and making my own aliases and have a zshrc 1200 lines long… Or I could just let omz handle it.

    Yes it’s mostly just a plugin manager, and…? Yes it automates a process I could do manually, and… ? Yes, it uses bindings that I didn’t personally write, and… ?

    Fuck off with the clickbait “You’re living your life wrong, do this lifehack instead!!!” (and the lifehack is to reinvent the wheel) bullshit

    Here’s a fun real lifehack: try things out for yourself, don’t just listen to and parrot other people’s opinions, don’t be afraid to go against the grain. Way more fun and fulfilling that way!

  • Use script instead, you can even have it in your .*shrc to run automatically whenever a shell is invoked (make sure to add a check that the shell wasn’t invoked by script, so you don’t inadvertently forkbomb yourself)

    Alternatively, just use Terminator as yout terminal emulator and enable the logger anytime you need it to record the shell session.

    Also, use bookmarks. That’s what they’re there for. 100 tabs is a great way to clutter your brain, but terrible for productivity. If you forget about it after bookmarking, it wasn’t important to begin with.

  • You intentionally do not want people that you consider “below” you to use Linux or even be present in your communities.

    No, but I do want my communities to stay on-topic and not be derailed by Discourse™

    Who I consider beneath me is wholly unrelated to their ability to use a computer, and entirely related to their ability to engage with others in a mature fashion, especially those they disagree with.

    Most people use computers to get something done. Be it development, gaming, consuming multimedia, or just “web browsing”

    I realize most people use computers for more than web-browsing, but ask anybody who games, uses multimedia software, or develops how often they have issues with their workflow.

    (which you intentionally use to degrade people “just” doing that)

    No I don’t. Can you quote where I did so, or is it just a vibe you got when reading in the pretentious dickwad tone you seem to be projecting onto me?

    But stop trying to gatekeep people out of it

    I’m not, you’re projecting that onto me again. If you want to use Linux, use Linux. Come here and talk about how you use Linux, or ask whatever questions about Linux you want. If you don’t want to use Linux, or don’t want to to talk about Linux, take it to the appropriate community.

    If keeping communities on-topic and troll-free is “gatekeeping,” then I don’t give a fuck how you feel about it.

  • I don’t think we do, but that’s a feature, not a bug. Here’s why:

    1. There was a great post a few days ago about how Linux is a digital 3rd Space. It’s about spending time cultivating the system and building a relationship with it, instead of expecting it to be transparent while you use it. This creates a positive relationship with your computer and OS, seeing it as more a labor of love than an impediment to being as productive as possible (the capitalist mindset).

    2. Nothing “just works.” That’s a marketing phrase. Windows and Mac only “just work” if the most you ever do is web-browsing and note-taking in notepad. Anything else and you incite cognitive dissonance: hold onto the delusion at the price of doing what you’re trying to do, or accept that these systems aren’t as good as their marketing? The same thread I mentioned earlier talked about how we give Linux more lenience because of the relationship we have with it, instead of seeing it as just a tool for productivity.

    3. Having a barrier of entry keeps general purpose communities like this from being flooded with off-topic discourse that achieves nothing. And no, I’m not just talking about the Yahoo Answers-level questions like “how to change volume Linux???” Think stuff like “What’s the most stargender-friendly Linux distro?” and “How do we make Linux profitable?” and “what Linux distro would Daddy Trump use?” and “where my other Linux simping /pol/t*rds at (socialist Stallman****rs BTFO)???” Even if there is absolutely perfect moderation and you never see these posts directly, these people would still be coming in and finding ways that skirt the rules to inject this discourse into these communities; and instead of being dismissed as trolls, there would be many, many people who think we should hear them out (or at least defend their right to Free Speech).

    4. Finally, it already “just works” for the aforementioned note-taking and web-browsing. The only thing that’s stopping more not so tech-savvy people is that it’s not the de facto pre-installed OS on the PC you pick up from Best Buy (and not Walmart, because you want people to think you’re tech-savvy, so you go to the place with a dedicated “geek squad”). The only way it starts combating Windows in this domain is by marketing agreements with mainstream hardware manufacturers (like Dell and HP); this means that the organization responsible for representing Linux would need the money to make such agreements… Which would mean turning it into a for-profit OS. Which would necessitate closing the source. Which would mean it just becomes another proprietary OS that stands for all that Linux is against.

  • You’ve defined yourself into an impossible bind: you want something extremely portable, universal but with a small disk imprint, and you want it to be general purpose and versatile.

    The problem is that to be universal and general purpose, you need a lot of libraries to interact with whatever type of systems you might have it on (and the peculiarities of each), and you need libraries that do whatever type of interactions with those systems that you specify.

    E.g. under-the-hood, python’s open("<filename>", 'r') is a systemcall to the kernel. But is that Linux? BSD? Windows NT? Android? Mach?

    What if you want your script to run a CLI command in a subshell? Should it call “cmd”? or “sh”? or “powershell”? Okay, okay, now all you need it to do is show the contents of a file… But is the command “cat” or “type” or “Get-FileContents”?

    Or maybe you want to do more than simple read/write to files and string operations. Want to have graphics? That’s a library. Want serialization for data? That’s a library. Want to read from spreadsheets? That’s a library. Want to parse XML? That’s a library.

    So you’re looking at a single binary that’s several GBs in size, either as a standalone or a self-extracting installer.

    Okay, maybe you’ll only ever need a small subset of libraries (basic arithmetic, string manipulation, and file ops, all on standard glibc gnu systems ofc), so it’s not really “general purpose” anymore. So you find one that’s small, but it doesn’t completely fit your use case (for example, it can’t parse uci config files); you find another that does what you need it to, but also way too much and has a huge footprint; you find that perfect medium and it has a small, niche userbase… so the documentation is meager and it’s not easy to learn.

    At this point you realize that any language that’s both easy to learn and powerful enough to manage all instances of some vague notion of “computer” will necessarily evolve to being general purpose. And being general purpose requires dependencies. And dependencies reduce portability.

    At this point your options are: make your own language and interpreter that does exactly what you want and nothing more (so all the dependencies can be compiled in), or decide which criteria you are willing to compromise on.

  • Ni No Kuni 2. Looking for a new RPG, missing that anime aesthetic so I searched up “best JRPGs” (yes, yes I know now that it’s supposed to be perjorative); kept seeing this recommended, including by randos on Reddit (so not just paid review sites).

    After 45 minutes of the most cliche-filled cutscenes and a prolonged tutorial for basic gameplay, I finally can just try it out and… It’s the most boring, generic gameplay ever. Dull story, bland characters, bland gameplay, too long of intro. 2/10

    The only other game that comes close is Assassin’s Creed 3. Finished the tutorial mission, made it to Boston, started chasing collectibles and trying to 100% the first map. Sunk in about 5 hours and can’t find the rest of the collectibles, so I decide to move on and come back later.

    That’s when it hits you with “PSYCH! That was just the Prologue, and all that time and effort invested in this character is MEANINGLESS. Here’s a brand new character to build up.”

    I hate that. I don’t mind when the game begins with an OP character to show you the ropes only to take all of it away, but please make it short. I loved Metroid Prime, for example. Investing 5 hours to have all of it mean nothing to your character, and next to nothing for the story fucking sucks. 4/10, would probably still finish just because I loved 1+2.

  • I have a Libre LePotato, Pinebook and Pinephone. They’re fine for most of my use cases, but they don’t handle games too well. They are also not great for VMs or emulation, and no chance in hell would I use any for my home media server.

    That being said, I’m starting to see ARM CPU desktops in my feeds, and I think one of those would be fine for everything but gaming (which is more an issue of the availability of native binaries and not necessarily outright performance). TBH at that price point, using off-chip memory and GPU, I don’t see much reason to go with ARM; maybe the extra cores, but I can’t imagine there is much in the way of electrical efficiency that SoCs entail.