Chernobyl Extra Whitening
Chernobyl Extra Whitening
“You’re a fuck up but you’ve made it this far so something is working. Good luck.”
she didnt even care about the earth until the 1990s
People change!
It rolls off the tongue.
“Unalive” is the current dance. Euphemism isn’t new.
Ouroboros Lemmy
“Based on” and what people associate with now are vastly different. Most people don’t even know if Saint Nick is based on a real person.
I’m from Australia and snowflakes during December is hemispherist and offensive to us down under.
Chronologically, fish is bugs
I approve the use of seagulls as the absolute lack of morality, an all terrain nightmare creature born of pure id.
Imagine the first time a tree gets to talk to the other trees. Like, it talks to itself for a decade or two before someone touches it and now it can hear dozens of voices.
As we get older, our perception of time speeds up. An immortal would easily lose track of time after just two human lifetimes, causing an immortal to suffer from dementia-like symptoms where they expect one date but find themselves habitually late. And since time doesn’t mean the same thing as us to an immortal, they would eventually become disconnected from the world around them and be unable to reintegrate. They wouldn’t be able to maintain friendships, relationships, mortgages, payments, etc. They would be surrounded by people but forever alone.
There is more red than blue.
I bought a 1987 Cutlass Supreme and thought I had one of the best cars ever made. Except I bought it used in 2003. I learned a lot about carburetors and tightening belts that summer. The poor thing died one foggy fall day when a tractor grazed the side of it and the damage was more than the $400 the car was worth.
I grew up in a small town that didn’t have a grind house theater, but it did have a very run down drive-in theater that has grindhouse kinds of movies. I saw some regular tits out slasher movie that wasn’t memorable but the second movie was Sleepaway Camp and that ending blew my fucking mind. I still think about that movie.
Oh my god. Blue asbestos is the worst kind, or best if mesothelioma is your thing. Every single one of the people in that picture died from pulmonary issues.
Ah, a family sized meth weasel.
“The fuck is a road? Sid, have you ever told a joke before?”
Instead of chocolate chips, I added raisins and now no one wants my black hole.
Confidence isn’t dependent on externalities. Confidence is a state of mind.