A bad dude.

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Yep if you don’t fall inline exactly with whatever’s subs hivemind feels is the correct side to be on it’s a ban. Happened to me on /r/energy. Just made a very simple and non provocative comment about how I thought nuclear power should be considered more, instant ban. Wound up getting kicked off reddit completely because of that, it pissed me off so much I switched to a multi account and commented again. Reddit was cool but it’s time is up. Couldn’t be happier to give it up, I have not been back on it in a month now and I miss nothing.

  • a few reasons: I know I’ll get product support for the entire life of the phone. I will always be able to update to the latest software. The OS feels a lot more polished, refined, and smoother than android phones that I have used in the past. It works seamlessly with my Apple TV and MacBook, the apps available are generally higher quality, receive updates faster, and some of the specific ones I use are not available on android (foreflight). The camera outperforms other androids that I have used.