Talk to all of them but at some point start to focus more attention on the one you like. Bonus points if you show interest based on something they said, not just how they look. Find a common interest or something.
Talk to all of them but at some point start to focus more attention on the one you like. Bonus points if you show interest based on something they said, not just how they look. Find a common interest or something.
What country? Is it really rich if it can’t look after its citizens?
President of what? We have a prime minister
Except it’s rarely the same cows
Google it
Copying is not theft
Boobs look like they’re drops of water, just about to drip. So there’s a certain anticipation there. Our brains are wired to predict where action and movement is going to be.
Hungry Jacks
If people ask why you’re vegan, focus on the positives of veganism. I say: the food’s delicious, I feel healthier, and I like animals.
It frames it as something you benefit from, rather than depriving yourself of something.
I tried to be flexatarian for a few months but I gave up. It seemed stupid. Gone back to being full vegan now.
This might be specific to your region? Most trans people I know are grateful if you even make an effort. Even if you get it wrong sometimes.
Byron bay. Bundaberg. Coon.
Yes, I’ve never heard of anyone making a friend past 30. Impossible!
Safety in numbers. I can’t pee unless I’m standing next to another bro
Parallel parking, or angled parking?
I hated it, but good for you for sticking to your opinion
Yeah, sort of. I can do 2km, but pretty slowly.