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Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • I think the reason is less about “i, an individual, am getting my data harvested” (though certainly still a factor) byt more because China is still very much considered an enemy of the US, and they are not only harvesting americans data in a very invasive way - as in, recording pretty much everything you do on your phone, not just in the app - but an adversarial government now has access to all of that. Additionally, because the chinese “free market” has been effectively neutered in recent years, high chance that the CCP is able to influence TikTok’s algorithm to affect what people see and push propaganda. People should be concerned about it in the same way people should be concerned about russian bot farm, but more so, because there isn’t an audience of millions feeding russian bot farms their personal information.

  • The most effective ways to die sound painful, and even for the “painless” ones, if you fuck it up you either suffer way too long or get slapped with insane medical debt and locked up in a loony bin for a ehile (usa). While I don’t fear death itself or have a strong emotional attachment to the life I’m living right now, my life’s in no way bad, so it’s still an easy choice for me.

  • Dude, same. On top of that, I also struggle with imposter syndrome and a work for a company with a burnout culture, which a recipe for constantly kicking your own ass for not having literally everything done always, so I force myself to try to be “productive” the whole time, which always, ALWAYS backfires, but the guilt from watching everyone else work themselves to death is just too much. I’m hoping to switch to a remote job with a company who values employee wellbeing over “the grind” soon though.

  • I understand that, but it doesn’t mean I need to respect or approve of anybody who does film people in public. Sitting next to a stranger on an otherwise empty bus isn’t illegal either, but that doesn’t mean the person isn’t still a creep for doing it. And I am considering being the subject of a film as different from happening to pass by a camera frame, or being seen by a security camera.

  • Can’t remember which is which but if it’s organized in a top-down way (broad category first) that’s just easier to look at and find stuff in the file system. I don’t want to have to actually read and mentally process the names of every single file to figure out if it’s the one I need. Sure, the “human readable” names are fine and good when you don’t have hundreds of them you’re trying to look through, but big projects I find are way easier to parse with the category naming.

  • Well okay then:

    It wasn’t really alarming at the time because I was a stupid child, but I may have almost gotten kidnapped. One day in the 90’s when I was maybe 4 or 5 years old, my family all went grocery shopping at Target one day and I somehow got separated from them and started wandering around looking for them (hadn’t learned “stay in place” yet). Some nice lady offered to help me look for them, took my hand, and after wandering for a bit, said “maybe your parents are out in the parking lot!” So, she took me outside and we were walking to the end of the lot when I did, in fact, spot my parents. Turns out they had completely forgotten/not realized I wasn’t with them because they were loading groceries and getting ready to leave.

    When I say “my family” went to Target, ot was my parents and older brother, so by no means a Home Alone situation. Really I’m more alarmed at them than the lady for having left their youngest child in Target.

  • Genuinely I can’t even remember because growing up, my dad was that type of guy who took us kids to obligatorily “fun” things and without fail did or said something that would make it feel completely miserable, then get angry at us for not having enjoyed ourselves at the fun thing.

    A couple of instances I remember in particular was when he took us to Hawaii (he wasn’t rich, just wanted to look rich and was very good at avoiding debt collectors) and kept being an entitled shitbag to the poor staff which made me super uncomfortable the whole time, and the time he took us to a magic show in vegas and spent the whole time explaining the tricks when I didn’t even fucking ask.

    I now find it very difficult to find any “fun” things actually fun.

  • Similar but different:

    I was leaving a facility and went to get in my car in the parking lot. Unlocked it, it went beep beep, and I got it. Then I realized something was off. This isn’t my sweatshirt, this isn’t my drink! This… isn’t my car! It’s the same make, model, and color, and some cosmic bullshit luck had it set to the same frequency as my keyfob!!

    I quickly got out and got into my car 2 spaces down that was hidden behind a truck, just in time to see the actual owners of the other car come out of the facility and get in.

    I bought a lotto ticket that day and lost.