I use fireproof safe (good one) and annual backup to that.
I use fireproof safe (good one) and annual backup to that.
Piss yes, but know what that stripe is on your lobster tail?
They don’t like you either
Colonial karma
I had heard people talking about this but never knew what it was. Is there a link?
Should probably come with a warning about that. Pretty disappointing.
Feel like a good sponge costume would allow you to pee right where you are.
By this logic you really can’t expect me to pee in the toilet. I can’t have a fire hose adapter hanging off of me just to pee straight down all the time. I was born for snow writing, and I’m coming to a yard near you!
No pretty sure it was an actual pdf database. I think there are mirrors that allow you to access all of Alexandra’s wonderful work. But nothing new is being added due to legal injunctions. Such a shame. Alexandra has added more to scientific advancement than most scientists themselves. Removing the barriers to shared scientific data is one of the greatest piracy feats ever accomplished.
You mean a research article published prior to 2022? Sadly there are no longer any updates
Nah. Enough of this service to community stuff. It always ends up meaning us doing more work for free that someone else profits from. It should be incentiviced with grant funds. Studies I would want to make sure undergo replication are industry sponsored. Industry sponsored studies should have to pay into a pool and certain studies would be selected for replication analysis with these funds.
Agree! Maybe efforts spent working on projects assigned from the IFR would be rewarded with grant funds or grant extensions for novel projects.
That will be $30.12
Australian badgers are half this size, have no teeth at all, but can project venom 50ft from a gland in their nostril. The venom is completely harmless to humans, however it soaks into the skin and causes a pheromone to be emitted from the lungs such that when you are asleep, it attracts 14 different species of deadly venomous spiders that are attracted to your airway from up to a 4km radius.
I’ll take a no any day over an " I dunno,maybe, probably not, your methods might have been totally backwards and there’s not enough funding to ever do this again the right way." that’s often what data seems to whisper to me.
Why has evolution let these cows down?
Do zebras smell of paint?
I have a projector and play video Playlists off Tidal for parties. Really excels at video Playlists including smart Playlists you don’t need to manually curate. I’ve been a subscriber for awhile, but imagine there is at least some access to this with free accounts.
Need a fireproof data safe. Typically around $600-700