Am I also in range of the nuclear bomb, or am I safe? Unclear as the image doesn’t specify if it is drawn to scale or not. Also which direction are the tracks currently pointing.
Am I also in range of the nuclear bomb, or am I safe? Unclear as the image doesn’t specify if it is drawn to scale or not. Also which direction are the tracks currently pointing.
Personally only use Windows on my work laptop and even that I am questioning it, might start using my Linux VM for day to day work
And once you are using those you are probably better off using sqlite or even running a full SQL server.
It’s probably good if that is the sort of thing you are after, a laptop just isn’t something I want to spend real money on myself.
Agreed. They would probably call both items religious or cultural symbols and move on.
I know! Its so easy its great! Plus its generally cheaper too, so I don’t have to work very hard and I still have enough money. God damn life is easy.
A few people cared, fewer did anything about it. Most were more concerned with mass production of cheap shit.
Got a heat pump to replace the gas boiler, bike instead of car and replaced the concrete paved garden with what will hopefully become a wildflower meadow with shrubs on the edges. You can actually just stop buying a lot of the stuff that is causing these problems.
And some of the younger ones were too poor to get one. 93 here and I remember growing up using 95/98/XP/Linux rather than iPads.
Younger millennial here, some of us grew up using Linux. There are literally dozens of us!
Does stuff I wrote myself count?
Apache server that has a bunch of webpages that are all configured by simple JSON files and loaded by PHP. The pages have buttons on them which when pressed enter macros. So I push “Deploy Landing Gear” and Shift+alt+F8 or some obscure as fuck combination no one would ever use normally gets pressed and the game can be set to use that keybind. Most of it is for simple immediate key presses but also made a few for macros as well.
The HTML/PHP that runs the show is a grand total of 2018 bytes, including comments. Plus a fairly bloated 2444 byte CSS file that includes some button colour options that I never use now because I decided they look ugly. Should update some of the background images though, my sheet steel Faulcon DeLacy logo looks a bit basic.
I am all for publicly available models.