• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • You could use a throwaway email and signup for an account. The account creation is a little tricky if you don’t use a “real name” but a name generator website may help in this, or use a combination of two tv character names.

    Also use a privacy oriented web browser that signs you out each time, something like mule for android or librewolf for desktops.

    One thing not to do is use the FB app or the messenger app on your phone, instead do everything on a browser.

  • Trying to rebuild this my first time I took all files appended with .1 and placed them into a BDMV folder with the correct folder structure and index files. I then did the same for all the .2 files into another DBMV folder and so on. I then removed the appended numbers to these files.

    This left me with 12 disk folders, though I could not get makemkv open any of these.

    What I think I may have been missing (which I will give a shot tomorrow) was copying over the content that did not have a appended number originally into both these folders skipping any files with the same name.

  • Feeding it into DBinfo I can see the appended playlist files (appended with .1, .2, .3 and so on) call the same numbered stream files with no appended .1, .2, .3

    If I had to guess the uploader may have uploaded the content of all six disk, and appended numbers to context that was different between the 6 to save on uploading the same file more then once?

    Where I am getting stuck in this logic is why there are 12 index files in the upload while there should only be 6 disks as listed in the .XML files.

    From what I can tell makemkv can only handel reading one index file at a time.

    Here’s a screenshot of the multiple index files.
