It stays in our brain and we subconsciously put it into new music years later, thereby keeping the industry’s corporate lawyers in cocaine for future decades to come.
It stays in our brain and we subconsciously put it into new music years later, thereby keeping the industry’s corporate lawyers in cocaine for future decades to come.
Cats would instinctively try to knock these off the shelf.
On the rare occasion you see a Union flag in Britain I usually say “oh my god we’re in Britain!”
Non-stop televangelism channels are quite something. But probably you know that’s weird.
I had to leave my 3k beast kettle in the UK as it would blow the circuit here in Oz. Everyone has a kettle here though as they still have the Brit DNA and lowkey love tea with their cricket.
They wrote “Roaming In The Gloaming”, I guess?
They’ll never top Windows 95 to be honest.
Nowt wrong with a tty interface. All you need is a gif->ASCII converter and you can view the images too.
Is that Dominic Torretto in the bottom right?
Humanity: Hold my pint.
David Bowie and Freddie Mercury did a duet.
If this is true then how come Britain is depressed as fuck?
Well yeah, it’d be like if an advertising copy writer said their job was “English”.
Checkmate, atheists.
How is software not a subset of IT?
Didn’t even know the Earth was interning at NASA.
Nowadays the men have learned to be more subtle and would say “and thanks to Lise for arranging the socials”.
That’s not a TRS-80. What are they trying to pull?