keep an empty gatorade bottle by your bed. wide mouth, soft lipped.
keep an empty gatorade bottle by your bed. wide mouth, soft lipped.
kiss carbs goodbye and you’ll have energy all day
energy=mass x the speed of light squared.
its like a spacetime sneeze.
well mcdonalds has sold the most, so corporately they are the best. for me tho, in-n-out
theres a trick involving pulling on your ear and hard stroking your cheekbone.
theres another trick where you pull out nosehairs.
theres another where you eat spicy food.
some people use a neti pot.
full accounting transparency helps… according to the blockchain believers.
i switched from breakfast cereal to yogurt a month ago and lost more than a belt notch.
seriously, i’m realizing now this might have saved my life.
really not ill-informed. this isnt a communist platform, and i’m aware that i’m pushing against a hive mind.
i shrugged off an insult and you figured to dog pile on pretending that i’m the insulter.
you’re very right. i went and got the first shot. will need 4 total.
wow a bat flittered into me in my office hallway today, awkward flight like a moth, weighed practically nothing when it hit my leg. it was hairy and cute with black ears. i brought it outside. then i go on lemmy and see a fricken bat necklace.
id be shocked if i didnt see a gavel response from a lemmy.ml user. all the best.
my opinion is that people who push for it havent lived in it. everything is lowest common denominator, if you can even get it. no incentive to invent, no reward for innovation.
i love the spinoff idea.
wigs are like make up. if done right you shouldnt even notice it.
consider that the CGI for the first season of babylon 5 was made on Commodore Amiga 2000 they were fucking amazing.
which food comes out better in a microwave?
they often called it nuking. took a good 15 years before mass acceptance. early ones had warnings about standing near with pacemakers could kill you.
a celebrity.