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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2023

  • I’ve used Linux since about 1996, when only Slackware worked for me ( Red Hat didn’t work right, & I never tried Yggdrasil ).

    Ian began his Debian distro sometime around then ( Deb was his partner, hence the distro’s name )

    About a year ago, I was using openSUSE, both Tumbeweed & their more-stable LEAP.

    They removed the drivers for my wifi adapter, in an update.

    They broke my desktop.


    I’ve been told by Steam support ( in 2023, iirc ), directly through their system, that they ONLY support the Ubuntu family of Linuxen.

    UbuntuStudio stuck with XFCE for YEARS, even though XFCE is rigged to prevent one from being able to grab the corner of a window, because almost-all of its different options ( themes? ) permit only a 1px thick window-grabber, and that isn’t usable.


    Try installing Haskell Stack on Void Linux for ARM.

    You can’t:

    Haskell Stack requires GMP lib, for arbitrary precision arithmetic, and you can’t get that to work on it.

    They won’t add it, to make Haskell Stack installable.

    So, if the only machine you’ve got is ARM based, and you need to learn Haskell, go get a different distro.

    ( “Haskell Programming From First Principles” requires Stack )

    I used Ubuntu Server on ARM, for awhile, and the Ruby it included was broken, with a hard-coded bit in one of its scripts that had the wrong-location for one of the basic things in Linux…

    can’t remember what it was, perhaps it was /usr/bin/mv instead of /bin/mv or something … it was stupid, though, and it was in the Ubuntu version of Ruby, which was a deprecated version of Ruby … so…

    the upstream Ruby maintainers wouldn’t fix it, because they only maintain the maintained versions of Ruby, AND…

    Ubuntu wouldn’t fix it, because they insisted it was upstream’s problem, even-though they wouldn’t include a maintained version of Ruby.

    Fuck idiocy.

    On & on & on.

    Fix 1 thing, & break 3 more , seems to be the “religion” of the various Linuxen.

    I’m old, & tired of being beaten-on by “friends” and “allies”.

    Abusers are abusers.

    IF I ever succeed in fixing my health, breaking ( permanently ) my health-obstacles,

    THEN I want to do a linux-distro that simply excludes all bullshit, & enforces correctness-of-function.

    Funtoo seems to be part of The Right Answer ( it is the evolution of Gentoo ), in that people get the benefit of whatever hardware they’ve got, instead of a dumbed-down version which is more sluggish than need-be.

    I’d want it to be based entirely on Haskell, & Julia, leaving-out pretty-much all other languages ( Haskell’s correctness & Julia’s ruthless-efficiency ).

    Notice how there is a huge push to replace X.org with Wayland?

    Wayland removes ability to run The Linux Terminal Server Project, so you can’t have little arm-terminals stuck on the backs of displays, and 1 single real-computer in the back, with an ocean of RAM, for all the students to use for their real apps…

    This “improvement” forces all to either have a powerful-enough desktop or … not be allowed to run the modern distros/Linuxen at all.

    War against inclusion of people in poorer places, where it is much more doable to afford a bunch of RasPi-terminals than it is to afford dozens & dozens of x86-64 machines, is warring for … fashion & class-status??

    The X Window System works. Through it, TLSP works.

    It enables people to have their Blender-renderer machine in the other room, where its fans-noise isn’t going to bother them.

    Fashion-motivated or fad-motivated “strategy” consistently solves the wrong problem.

    Same as breaking people’s wifi solves the wrong problem.

    WTF “loyalty” for a distro can ANYone have,

    … once one has been “punched-in-the-face” by them, enough times??

    I’ve read OpenBSD’s statement that “lack of a manpage IS A BUG”.

    That IS PROPER.

    They GET it.

    There are development/programming methods that hold-to the same kind of properness:

    Behaviour-Driven Design, e.g.


    As somebody pointed-out, of all the “agile” methods, XP included engineering-processes, like test-1st whereas … the rest, like Scrum, don’t…

    That difference-in-religion, XP’s objectivity MATTERS.

    Any “improvement” which breaks the functionality-tests or behaviour-tests, and you don’t get the “improvement” in.

    Nobody has the integrity to do that, at the distro-level?

    I wouldn’t permit any desktop-environment which is hard-coded to have 1px window-grabbers to be included in a distro, hence XFCE would have to get fixed, or it would be locked-out, explicitly for that usability-defect.

    I wouldn’t permit breaking of people’s network-access to be an official update’s component.


    That needs to be SOME distro’s spine, that is usable-by-most, and efficient, and including the capability that people actually need to get stuff done…

    I want low-vision people being able to use it.

    I want blind-readers working in it.

    I want deaf people having full function through it.

    I want quadraplegics being able to work through it.

    I want TLSP working, so a single x86-64 machine, plus a batch of displays & RasPi’s stuck on their backs, give a classroom the ability to teach calculus with Julia which is the proper way to be learning algebra or calculus ( seriously, try Julia: it’s wonderful ).

    Anyways, you’re seeing a tiny sliver of the decades-of-abuse that operating-system makers have put in us, that is in me.

    I won’t willingly run any MS software ever again, due to their religion of molestation-of-priivacy & abuses ( I was one of the ones stung by their stolen from STAC disk-compression tech, in DOS 6.20, and their Vista era sending all searched-terms from the desktop to Microsoft violated privacy-law for both health-care sytems & for police systems, but … they’re “too big” to make accountable?? etc. )

    But the Linux world seems to have one hell of a religious-problem against stable usability.

    Distro-runners need to read a book by Al Ries: “The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding”, and understand that that stability/identifiability is a REQUIREMENT for a userbase to be not-sabotaged by one’s distro.

    DON’T KEEP CHANGING THE WAY EVERYTHING WORKS, and expect your userbase to love you for it.

    KDE 3.5 had much right-idea, but nowadays … wtf??

    Too complicated to be allowed to see where one is, within the menu-system??

    That isn’t a “feature”, that is “fashionable” mental-illness.

    And I despise the Apple-style contextless GNOME way.


    just an opinion, of an old, useless bastard, who’s tired of being obstructed/abused by distro-decisions.

    _ /\ _

  • Even looking only at the healthcare costs of the exhaust-induced unhealth, you see massive economic benefit.

    It’s the old star-topology vs decentralized-mesh-topology question…

    It is much more efficient to have 1 giant windmill, rather-than a zillion little ones.

    It is much more efficient to have electric-trams than the number of cars required to move the same number of people.

    As for electric-cars vs internal-combustion-engine-cars, the relocation-of-cost from always buying gasoline, to just plugging-in at night, is something that many people have openly adored.

    The Engineering Explained yt channel bluntly stated that if you’re in the city, it’s a no-brainer.

    Rurally, or in the arctic, you can be screwed, however.

    I’ve no idea what the equation is for how much exhaust per mile-driven is produced, between

    • star-topology fuel-burning electric-grid powered cars
    • mesh/distributed-topology of the same number of I.C.E. cars

    but it wouldn’t surprise me if it is significantly more efficient, just due to getting the maintenance up to industrial standards.

    ( sloppy maintenance costs, and some companies push sloppy maintenance, not changing oil frequently enough, e.g. in order to produce engine-wear, forcing required-replacement.

    Some yt mechanics call-out this practice. )

    _ /\ _

  • A process, instead of a thing:

    political-election based rule, selecting for narcissism/machiavellianism/sociopathy-psychopathy’s rule.

    IF humankind survives this-century’s The Great Filter, in-which Kahneman System-1 ( “Thinking Fast & Slow”, the most-important psychology book in the world, now ) fights to break System-2/considered-reasoning from having any authority,

    and is winning.

    ALL the ideology/prejudice highjackings-of-countries happening everywhere throughout our world, these days, are just “makeup” on the underlying animal-reaction-mechanism fighting-off considered-reasoning from this world.

    So, in order to survive, humankind requires to break System-1 from authority, globally.

    ALL ideology/prejudice addiction-styles, left, right, religious, anti-theist, ALL of them, have to be broken from rule, XOR humankind force-extinguishes itself, this-century.

    It’s incredibly elegant, actually:

    I believe that all worlds who cross the threshold heading toward their own Industrial Revolution sequence ( so I’m talking about the Roman Empire’s crossing of the threshold ), can have the same ScientificallyTestablePredictions/“prophecies” dropped into them,

    about how there will be #ClimatePunctuation and #SpeciesWideCivilWar & #GlobalFoodWebCollapse … and all-3 of these predictions are in the Christian Bible’s Revelations-book, you can drop these same predictions into ALL worlds going into their remaining-toddler-unconscious-mind while having planet-crushing-industry & planet-destroying-military … and the result will consistently be the same: toddlers aren’t responsible, and TANTRUM/POGROM instead of growing-up.

    Which is exactly what humankind’s going to be doing for about 6 decades, once things blow-up, in about 1 decade.

    I don’t expect much in the way of survival of humankind, at the end of this century.

    If any.

    However, Universe/consequences/karma, whatever one wants to label the force-of-nature, isn’t going to cater-to our toddler-mind’s god-complex, and Universe is going to corner us into force-enduring consequences until either we’re extinguished, xor our remnant is grown-up in nature, no-longer toddler-nature.

    All the 600+ mass-shootings in the US last-year, were narcissism’s lashing-out & tantruming/pogroming others, to “get even” with not being catered-to.

    Our entire-species is in the process of setting-up that, at planet-scale.

    Russia & Israel are committing “mass shooting” against other nations, for their genocidal narcissism…

    US Civil War Part2’s going to be an internal demonstration of it, within 1 decade.


    All at once.

    Our species’s epitaph.

    Tantrum/pogrom was the best we could do: growing-up was “too hard” and unendurable.

    That’s what we’re carving in Universe’s eye, now.

    Its basis is wrong-sorting, preferring narcissism/machiavellianism/sociopathy-psychopathy for authority, suppressing responsibility & hard-lessons-learned from authority.

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  • I am a person whose parents were medical-professionals, whose dad was a medical-researcher & doctor.

    I have been gaslit by doctors all my life.

    IF diagnosis IS evidence-based decision-tree,

    THEN an expert-system can do it, without the bias of human-doctors.


    IF diagnosis ISN’T evidence-based decision-tree,

    THEN authority-based-medicine is the only valid medicine, as doctors hold to be true, while claiming that their authority-based medicine is “evidence based” medicine.

    I’m not the only person to have noted that doctors don’t allow evidence-based medicine to threaten authority-based medicine:


    That article got turned into a chapter in the book, edited by John Brockman, “This Idea Must Die”.

    ( I do not agree with all the articles in that book, but that particular one is both right & too-soft )

    EITHER Davidson’s & Harrison’s Medicine textbooks are valid basis for diagnosis, in which case an expert-system MUST be capable of doing objectively-valid diagnosis,



    XOR doctor-authority has some “special non-deterministic magic/sorcery” that an expert-system cannot replicate.

    There IS no escape from logic & fact.

    PS: you can read the Residency subreddit to see an ocean of evidence for medical-residency being a year-long identity-forming hazing-ritual, as it objectively damages doctor-learning, doctor-performance, doctor-health, doctor-empathy ( iirc there are several PubMed items on that one ), etc, yet it is still being enforced, in spite of how it measurably produces opposite-to-claimed changes.

    You can also read how the researchers Logan, King, & Fischer-Wright discovered that doctor-culture is the exemplar of narcissitic-culture, and gave the simple test that there was only 1 hospital ( when they wrote their simplified-language-for-business-people book “Tribal Leadership”, to cause change ) in the US which didn’t have narcissistic-culture ruling it:


    Walk into any hospital, & see if human-validity/human-dignity has been sooo eradicated from the lower staff, that they consistently won’t meet your gaze, as a professional entering the hospital.

    I forget the name of the hospital which had demonstrated that human-validity CAN live below doctors, but their research earned much from that particular one.

    Of course, for anyone to accept the points I raise, would require that they hold-to evidence-based knowing, instead of authority-based-“knowing”, wouldn’t it?

    Feel free to downvote me to oblivion, for my testable-facts.

    PPS: I’m not attacking you, I am attacking an ideology-addiction/prejudice-addicion in the culture you are being indoctrinated into embodying.

    There is a book “Doctored” on the disillusionment of an American physician, and there are many, many, many, books out now, on different aspects of the ideology/prejudice that Western Medicine has become, including perhaps “Money-Driven Medicine”, “In Shock”, and others whose names I don’t happen to remember this moment.

    I wish I somehow had the leverage to make Western Medicine become evidence-based medicine, but that would require supernatural-powers, at this point.

    It would certainly be healthier for the people in Western Medicine.

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  • Rather-than developing a thick-skin,

    which requires enduring progressive hazing, as male-culture realized, oh, millions of years ago…

    instead develop equanimity:

    take-up whichever subset of yoga it is, that heals your metabolism right, see?

    Frawley’s “Ayurvedic Healing” helps you identify which metabolism/dosha you are in, and once you’ve found that ( & you can do the foods-pacifying that metabolism vs foods-aggravating that metabolism experiment, too, using that book’s ingredients-list ),

    then you use Frawley & Kozak’s “Yoga for Your TYPE” book, to find the subset of yoga asanas suited to your metabolism,

    and you practice those, as a means of getting-past the inner/unconscious obstacles, until yoga becomes a natural habit, then you concentrate on piercing the unconscious-obstacles, while your habit of yoga takes care of which asanas you need, and are doing…

    I’ve replicated both the undermethylated-DNA treatment & the pyrrol-disorder treatment in William J. Walsh’s “Nutrient Power”, and verify that they objectively work, but he left-out a couple key informations…

    ( there are 3 epigenetic disorders which underly about 90% of psychiatric-conditions, but the hatred in psychiatry when an Australian researcher gutted “ulcers are a psychiatric-condition” is NOTHING compared with what’d happen if the evidence that Walsh’s research is replicable were to pierce authority-based-medicine. The 3rd is overmethylated-DNA.

    He also identified that some people’s biology accumulates lead or cadmium, as-in you can have several boys in the same family, in the same house, and 1 of 'em’ll be accumulating high blood-lead or high blood-cadmium, and they tend to end up in prison.

    He also identified that there is an opposite-to-pyrrol-disorder with too-high-zinc, instead of too-high-copper, which also creates specific “psychiatric” disorder. )

    I discovered that treating undermethylated-DNA disorder requires enteric-coated SAMe, taken with clear-water ( ZERO carbs or sweeteners of any kind ), 40-ish mins before breakfast.

    Once the nausea hits, then you can eat, but it must get past the stomach, still sealed, for it to work.

    It took 3 months to treat my undermethylated-DNA disorder, & then I discovered what ZERO-stress felt-like, for the 1st time in my life.

    Never imagined anything like that, before…

    It also removed my academic-drive, though, so I didn’t continue ( I could have lowered the dosage, instead )

    I’ve also used Methionine to treat undermethylated-DNA disorder.

    It works, I never had the dosage high-enough, and it took 4 months.

    Each of those I’d done 2x, and all 4 of the experiments produced the same effect.

    Pyrrol-disorder requires arachidonic-acid-precursor, which is why he mentions Evening Primrose Oil, but he doesn’t explain that that’s why he mentions it.

    ( assuming that people already know that is … stupid )

    So, the components of pyrrol-disorder treatment are evening-primrose oil, P5P, I think it’s called, one of the B-vitamins, & zinc.

    I found that a 50%/50% mix of zinc gluconate & zinc picolinate was best.

    Do NOT use zinc citrate, which hits so fast, that it produces a savage emotional-roller-coaster & can lock one ( who has pyrrol-disorder ) in RAGE intermittently during the 1/2h to 4h after taking the zinc citrate…

    ( that is, itself, a perfect diagnostic for pyrrol-disorder, btw:

    get a person with PTSD-style RAGEs on the P5P & evg primrose oil for a couple of days, then put 'em in a padded room, & give 'em either a zinc citrate or a placebo, & watch & wait…

    IF the placebo doesn’t, but the zinc-citrate does, make 'em deranged, then that IS pyrrol-disorder.

    No debate: that is as evidence-based as medicine can be, for anybody who accepts objectivity & scientific-method. )

    Anyways, now I know to use methionine to “take the edge off”, whenever life’s crushing me, & I supplement zinc, to help my body keep … saner.

    Mostly I’m using meditations to counter it all, though.

    These work, I cannot test the overmethylated-DNA disorder treatment ( niacinimide & folate ), because I simply don’t have that condition.

    May something in this hand you the leverage to keep a more-even keel when life’s smashing-you-up…

    This stuff does work for me.

    _ /\ _

  • Paragone@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    9 months ago

    Define “zombie”.

    IF “zombie” means a hominid with reactions, but no considered-reasoning,

    THEN all sorts of factions are manufacturing such right now, globally, in order that THEIR ideology/prejudice addiction gain supremacism, exterminating considered-reasoning AND all other factions.

    The Great Filter.

    All the different political/religious/cultural/ideological factions are just “makeup” on top of that fundamental difference.

    Will Kahneman System-1 ( animal-reaction, programmed-reaction, conditioned-reaction, etc ) displace Kahneman System-2 from authority/power enough that the entire planet can be butchered & laid-waste?

    Toss a coin.

    It isn’t looking good for this world.

    _ /\ _

  • Look into the trades.

    Rock solid employability, especially if you’re competent in self-employment.

    You get to experience, 1st-hand, middle-class & upper-middle-class prejudice/contempt/denigration-programming, too

    ( which is useful karmically: many of us are unconsciously-wired to buy-into class-system-based-“validity”/status,

    and facing into karma, or, as Yehoshua “Jesus” benJoseph said the same thing, “taking up one’s cross”, as a means of destroying the unconscious-ignorances that undermine our Eternities/Souls/CellsOfGod in THEIR evolution is strategically wise, see?

    I don’t want my Soul/ChildOfGod EVER getting caught in some life due to its unconsciousness, ever again!

    Rip the unconsciousness-rule “strategy” right out from the ground, you know?

    I needed 7y of outright-homelessness to finally crack my unconscious-mind’s sticking-to-class-prejudice,

    and I still haven’t ripped out all of the remnants,

    but the core of it cracked a decade ago, and my life is free-er as a result, the Eternity I’m just a little participant in, is no longer “stuck on a rock, in the rapids” of Eternity/karma…

    Facing into karma, as a means of freeing one’s Soul can be immensely empowering.

    Also, smart tradespeople outcompete many, being able to make/earn their economic-autonomy much quicker than the “professional” rat-race/treadmill people do.

    ( partly that has to do with a good trade ticket taking only 1-2y, whereas a 4y university-degree is … worthless, economically, worse, it is tons-of-debt. )

    _ /\ _

  • This commenter used “NI Maschine” as though everbody’d know what “NI” stood for…

    iirc, it stands for Native Instruments, and iirc, the “Maschine” is either hardware or hardware+software.

    The ONLY Linux distro which may do what theyre wanting, is UbuntuStudio.

    I happen to agree that it is a damn “whack-a-mole” “game” for us in Linux, and I"ve been experiencing that since 1996 ( when only Slackware mostly-worked ),

    but … if ever the spyware in MS’s products gets made illegal, then … Linux’d be the only lifeboat left?

    ( don’t tell me that Apple isn’t every-bit as much into privacy-molestation as the other Big Tech corpos are: they aren’t a real alternative )

    _ /\ _

  • CD-R is written in an organic-dye, which deteriorates ( I’ve read the AZO chemistry is more enduring )

    CD-RW is written in the crystallization of a metal layer.

    CD-RW is permanent record, unless you heat them, or blank them, or overwrite/rewrite them: chemical-deterioration isn’t a problem.

    I learned this with backups, many many years ago.

    I’ve no idea if DVD-RW discs also are recorded in a eutectic metal layer, but they’ve multiple record-layers ( 2? ), and I’m don’t know how you can make a eutectic-metal layer that is transparent-enough to get through/past it to write the next layer,

    so I’ve no idea how permanent DVD-RW’s are.

    I’ve lost data on the -R technology.

    I’ve never lost data on the CD-RW technology.

  • This place uses a heat-pump for cooling, in the summer, but it uses a furnace for heating.

    It used to reach -20C or colder, here, in the winter…

    it’s rained damn-near every week, this winter…

    since there is sooo much lag, between the climate-forcing adulteration of our atmosphere,

    and the actual climate’s temperature,

    it looks like we’re going to be … needing to find some other planet to be inhabiting, in a century…?

    Based on actual history, this planet’s current equilibrium-temperature is +5C…+6C, not anywhere near the +1.5C delusion people are still believing-in.

    but when one factors-in methane ( & only that one ), that we add, it works-out to +8C…+9C planetary equilibrium… ( using methane’s 20-y equivalent, of 82.5x factor, given the current 1.3ppm to 1.4ppm that we have unnaturally added of methane )

    anyways, here’s the link stating that at this atmospheric CO2 the planetary-equilibrium-temperature is between +5C & +6C, in case anyone is interested:

    Evolution of global temperature over the past two million years https://www.nature.com/articles/nature19798

  • As AwakeSoul/Buddha tried explaining…

    and as Hindu Ramana Maharshi also tried explaining…

    WHEN one reaches such fundamental-awareness that there is NO self in it…

    it is AWARENESS,

    THEN, one only has to dissolve into that OceanOfAllAwakeSouls/OceanOfAWARENESS/OceanOfBuddhas/God.

    No self, indestructible bliss, Eternal awareness, watching all unfolding endless-stream-of-Universes, as magical display…

    No, not every Souls/CellsOfGod/Continuums get to experience amazingness incarnate.

    Elisabeth Haich commented on that, in her book “Initiation”.

    Some Souls/Continuums, or their natures/characters, chose aversion-therapy reincarnation-cycle, for whatever reason.

    It’s a Bell curve, probably:

    the normal is to have an average “pinnacle”, and an average “bottom-of-the-barrel”, and an average set-of-between-range incarnations/someones/lives.

    Only the more-extreme would inhabit the more-extreme ends of the bell curve.

    Same as all Nature…

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