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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • Depending on your server, and how you install you might have a bad experience. I’ve had issues where it wasn’t finding the film/series metadata, having plugin issues, and being incredibly slow (slow UI when anything is being done, slow scanning folders, slow loading saved metadata, etc). Jellyfin, like a lot of open source software, feels like jank. The devs know about a lot of issues, but they’re swamped with so much, with this big of a project.

    People criticise Plex, rightfully so with some of their bad decisions, but it still works better. For me, Plex runs so much better, and without issues. I won’t be moving away to Jellyfin in the foreseeable future, but I’ll be glad when I am able to.

  • First computer, I got was via a trade. I was about 12. At the time I knew next to nothing about computers, with desktops being a thing at school (in one room). Something like this in a home… that’s rich people stuff. It ran Windows XP, and was almost certainly a Pentium (don’t know which).

    I remember making several trips to transfer the monitor, desktop, and accessories home. That thing was HEAVY, for me back then. It must have been about 3 miles before I carried everything home. I connected everything, booted it up, and everything worked perfectly… Then five minutes later I found out the importance of the internet… optical games worked fine, but no porn… My next purchase would be a USB 2 mobile internet dongle. How else was I going to do all that valuable “research”.

    About two years or so later, it wouldn’t turn on (the PC). There wasn’t any shops near me that could fix it, and I thought what would be the harm in opening the side panel, and taking a look. Suffice to say… I made things worse. Can’t recall what I did, but the power supply went bang, thankfully no fire. I ended up throwing the computer out, and selling the accessories and monitor. I didn’t want to own a desktop computer, again for years. That loud bang scared the living hell out of me.

    I only later got back into computing, because I was kinda addicted to video games, heard PC gaming was better, and slowly aquired several games from relatives (Crysis, Total War Empire, etc). That computer I purchased, new, with cash I earned from trading with folks/shops (still haggle, to this day). My next computer was AMD, a A6-3600, I think. No graphics card, though I would later haggle for a GTX 960. This computer was where I started to get really interested in IT. I wanted to learn why my old computer bit the dust, and figure out everything I could. It was more than a porn and gaming machine. That computer taught me more than most IT lessons ever did (still can’t believe using Google Search, constituted as a “lesson”).

  • No. Here’s a pretty good explanation from the qBittorrent forums:

    Your ratio is what percentage you have given back to others of what you have taken. For example, if you download something, and have a .5 ratio on that file, that means you’ve shared back half of what you’ve taken.

    Ideally, you should strive to always seed to 1.0 meaning you have given back the same amount that was taken. In an ideal world, this would assure that no torrent ever has to die. Private trackers may have more specific rules about what ratio you must maintain, either overall (across all torrents you download) and/or on each individual torrent you grab. Check the specific trackers you participate on for their rules.

    If you deal exclusively with public trackers, then 1.0 should be your minimum goal.

    Personally, I’d put your ratio at 2.0, if you have the available data allowance, and bandwidth. Help others like you’ve been helped, even on public trackers.

  • You might have better luck with Jellyfin, than Plex. Plex uses online authentication tools, which is used for not just user, but server management. In contrast, Jellyfin can be ran completely locally.

    Now one thing to note is that neither solution will properly detect your media files properly. You’d need to manually input file details. Usually these servers would do a quick online search, to detect that your movie is what it is. You could import this data, but you’d need an internet connection to acquire it. If you do not mind all that busy work, then you should be fine.

    Now the remote… honestly, no idea. I’m pretty sure Android TV has a button remapper app, which might help… Do modern Chromecasts use Android TV? I haven’t used them since their second generation. Best do some research yourself, or wait for another reply.

  • I think we are constantly progressing in that field. One issue for latency was that controllers used to contact your device, and then the server. Now they can connect directly to the server. Things will improve, like it or not.

    For right now, I think the biggest hurdle is with ISPs.

    1. Data caps can be quite common, in many countries. Essentially creating a huge limit on how much you can (if at all) play.
    2. Most people’s router, and access point hardware needs upgrading. A lot of the stock router AIOs from ISPs are really bad. Creating a bottleneck before the data even reaches the servers.

    Another hurdle I can see is companies profit sharing. Everyone wants a large cut, so I’d expect multiple streaming options… and many failures, like what we’re seeing on the movies/series streaming model… just with games it’ll be soooo much worse.

  • Even finding Lemmy was not easy. Just doing a search brought up Lemmy from Motörhead. Talented guy, but not really what I wanted. It took me awhile before I even found an instance, and that was only because of a YT video. Most folks will just use the first page of their chosen search engine, and then give up.

    Then signing up to… pretty much anything federated is a confusing experience for new users. Trying to wrap your head around instances, communities, and so on. “Why does there have to be an XYZ community at Example instance, when there already is one on ABC Instance? Can’t they just merge? What’s the point? What if I want to be a part of example instance, but want to subscribe to communities on the ABC instance?“

    When signup is done, but you then enabled 2FA. You input the string on your app, click apply. Then when you try to log back in, you find you’re logged out, and don’t know why. It’s because Lemmy is one of the few services to use SHA256, and not SHA1. So it doesn’t work with something like Bitwarden. I had to find a GitHub post to find out why this was happening. Not a good first impression.

    Then when you subscribe to communities they’re either lacking in content, or reposting, sometimes from another instance.

    There seems to be issues with posting media, and the whole integration with other ActivityPub seems to need some work.

    Overall I think all this is growing pains. I wouldn’t say the service is ready, but I don’t think it’ll be ready, until it onboards new users. However I don’t think many new users (non-technical users especially) will stay, due to the issues above.