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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • Probably exercise. Lifelong habit of exercise. Different sorts at different times but never nothing, always something on purpose to strengthen & keep flexible, most days of the week.

    Night cream and sunscreen since my early 20s too, I do not look how I expected to at this age, nice surprise that was.

  • I don’t think of selective gene editing of one person as eugenics and do think we will get that, we have some versions of it for born people already. Editing it out of humanity? No that’s probably a bad idea. One of my kids works in genetics and was horrified when I joked about her making designer babies like in Gattaca, so I don’t think science thinks it a good idea. Push on one thing, another pops up.

    You might enjoy Octavia Butler’s Xenogenesis and Patternist books, if you like thinking about this stuff.

  • Like Gattaca?

    I do not think people have enough information to even do a good job of it, we’d accidentally make everyone prone to some disease and wipe out humanity, we don’t have a great track record with selectively breeding plants and animals. So no.

    In the way it has been done ever in real life? Oh hell no. Some vague idea that certain people are worth more than others based only on their looks, and a push to make a better world by making them the only model for humanity?

    So no. I don’t trust people to use it for good, and if it was somehow used for good, would probably still have unintended disastrous consequences.

  • That can’t be unique. I think most guys want a woman who can hold a full time job. That is not a big ask, it’s like a minimum - it makes absolute sense, you will be stronger together. I would be extremely suspicious of a guy who didn’t want me to work. Even if they made so much and wanted to cover all the bills, great. I work, we have some money to save and I can go get my legs waxed or whatever without having to ask for money to do it. I do not want someone to have that sort of control. I disagree strongly with the commenters saying that you should bend on this, it is not at all an outrageous thing to need.

  • Pizza Hut best value per calorie. One slice can sustain you for a day. If there is a way to stuff more calories into a pizza they will find it. The thick crust one, refrigerated then reheated is so good, all that extra grease makes the crust crisp up in a very pleasant way.

    Mostly though, if I want pizza I make it.

  • It depends. I worked at one company without a dedicated HR department (a payroll company) and it ran fine without it. Managers of each department worked with upper management and finance to decide staffing, we went to management and if needed (I never did) upper management or the lady who did our payroll (they handled both our payroll and client payrolls) or the benefits department (same deal) for most of the sort of things HR does at my company.

    I think it’s bloated at my current company, there are some people with not a whole job, but it’s not like they do nothing or don’t provide value, they do. But like, one guy’s job is apparently employee development and all he does is choose some general “learning software” that we then have access to. Gives some useless and painfully boring presentations on the aforementioned software that provide nothing of value. Then I have no idea what he does with the rest of the year. Why is that one whole job, when the rest of us basically juggle multiple jobs?

  • I am sorry you are suffering too, beyond the hormonal upheaval she is so young, she may be grieving the loss of her fertility, even if she was not planning children - the usual advice of saying “I’m sorry, that sucks, do you need anything from me” is all I have. Imagine you lost your balls! It would suck, right? Then if she came at you asking you to please consider how it affected her, it might irritate you, yes? Not saying you are wrong in any way to BE affected by it, obviously it would affect you - just that laying that on her when she can’t handle it is probably why she overreacts.

    I hope the treatment is helpful and everything settles out soon. Hang on for now.

  • Iraq I feel like we (the US) wrecked and looted y’all and left the mess for you to clean up. I can remember being shocked at the start of that war and extremely skeptical about the pretext. Uneasy in general about the treatment of women there. I do think of the culture as so old, like the weight of history would lay heavy, and feel so bad about historical places getting smashed in war.

    (Also so sorry for severe edit - my sleepy brain read Iran)

  • Nonexistent, except for a comment from my mom once that she didn’t understand why drugs were illegal, didn’t care what people did in their own homes.

    With my kids just an open door communication style, they ask I answer - so like when one got a boyfriend and both were first timers, she asked about STI, was it safe if she had birth control, and we talked about the HPV, HIV, Hepatitis, things you could possibly get from being born or nonsexual contact, but also about relative risk, and how there is always going to be some, but that shouldn’t stop you from living, being open and talking with your sex partners. And talked about enthusiasm rather than consent, that you should not push anyone for consent, wait until both of you feel enthusiastic about sex to do it.

    Oh and drugs they don’t seem interested in, alcohol I let them try rarely off and on when teenagers and all have turned out to be responsible with it, some drink occasionally, or weekly, some none, but none abuse it - their bio dad was alcoholic/drug abuser as was his dad and brother so they are kinda hyper aware already that they could have a risk, and have them as bad examples. They don’t want a dependency, so all tread lightly. None seem to have inherited the alcoholic/addictive trait though.