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A lot of them don’t even lie about it as much if you read between the lines. GreenManGaming, HumbleBundle are the exceptions to that.
But places like CDKeys, G2A .etc yeah you can’t be assured that anything you buy from them is going back to the developer. If the developers so much even hears the existence of these kinds of sites, they’d be protesting to have them shut down.
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danooct1 - A guy who demonstrates computer viruses on OSes like Windows and DOS.
WrestlingWithWregret (For wrestling fans) - This guy does various wrestling content but some of his best is PPV Classic reviews. Charming personality.
Maybe the television being produced ought to stop being garbage that nobody wants.
YouTube + HDMI Cable from PC to TV + UBlock/Firefox = win.
Really depends on the workplace. I will not drink coffee and I’m no longer drinking hot chocolate even from my work. Mainly because a lot of my co-workers are slobs and everything is unsanitized. I had just witnessed last night, someone from day maintenance, had their gloves still on (presumably from touch dirty trash bins, scrubbing toilets .etc) just go about touching some things before realizing he needed them off.
And I ended up vomiting last sunday because nobody checks expiration dates on what we have and I ended up drinking hot chocolate that might’ve been expired. So, it depends on the workplace.
It’s funny that the IRS has now been offering their own tax-free service. Intuit thought they could strong-arm people but even the IRS thought “no bruh, you’re crazy”.
I just never saw the appeal of paying for tax software/services, well maybe I can see it in services because there’s still a lot of people that have trouble with filing taxes and they may be in unique tax situations that they don’t understand.
But Tax Software makes it stupid easy to understand so it should not be something we pay for.
Sames. I haven’t paid for a Windows OS since Windows XP.
The only way I ever got to the latest Windows OS, is either being given a machine with the latest version on it or I get a PC built but pirate a serial or a copy.
7-Zip has long replaced WinRAR, for me.
This is why I always disable Windows Defender and everything Windows does to protect my machine. Because it will throw a fit the moment I even downloaded a pirated game and knows something is up with it. It won’t let me run EXEs and purge the file.
Okay so you’re comparing one shitty platform with a shittier platform, who both believe that they’re informing people with shitty uninformed hot takes on said social movements and crimes.
I hope that’s sarcasm.
This is what people fail to take into account. Yeah, there are some departments that are going to be ran by incredibly incompetent people with almost no sane idea. But, that’s disregarding the people who’re not them who are still managing things and keeping said department from totally going batshit.
I almost don’t want to. If you can’t handle honesty, truths or straightforward and shoot-straight kind of opinions. Then engaging in communication is simply not for you and nobody should have to walk on eggshells all of the time to appease someone’s incapable sense of getting the point.
Anytime I enter one with a purist/gatekeeper. You just can’t reason with them and they absolutely refuse to see the other side of the argument. They must always believe that their direction is the direction for all things regarding X fandoms or general hobby.
Getting dogpiled by assholes from the Steam Community because I made a post suggesting we get rid of the Jester award. I suggested it because the Jester award has been used as nothing but a badge from trolls who think honest reviews of games are a joke. I’ve had nearly 150+ of my reviews just bombarded with marks of ‘X people found this review funny’ and half of them were slapped with that stupid Jester badge.
Furthermore, I was gaslighted and antagonized both through DMs and openly on the forums to the point where I am now permanently banned from the Steam Forums in the general Steam community. I have no faith in Valve’s sluggish ways that they’ll deal with the sheer toxicity of their own community anytime soon.
And I was openly doxxed on a gossip site when that same someone openly threatened to cost me my IRL job.
I’ve been online for 29 years now and by this point, I’ve dealt with so much shit from shitty people to the point where I almost see reality as purgatory. I cannot wait until I enter my self-imposed retirement when I reach 30 years because I’ve watched the internet drown in shit with bots, AI, corporate enshittification and more.
I believe it has a use.
Like, AI can make up roleplaying assets and what graphics needed to be made to translate what objects are and everything. Stuff like that.
But using it for art contests, for bigger projects and all? It makes you look lazy.
For example, does Microsoft deserve my money for how much of a dumping they’ve taken onto Windows since Windows 8? No, they don’t.
Because if I did give Microsoft my money, I’m REWARDING them for their half-assery.
Being unceremoniously fired and homeless.
Uh, I’m not affected. What’s there to pay attention to? Not one single instance have I had, in all of 10+ jobs in my resume, where my LGBTQ status was put into question because it was never a matter on the table to begin with. I never brought it up. I never mentioned or talked about who I was with or seeing. I don’t drop hints, nothing. I didn’t have nosy people, which sounds like what you had and other people.
Anytime I was fired or penalized, it was because of policy violations that amounted to insubordination or just performance in general. Not once, ever, has it been because of my identity. You really must be living in places where you’re running into these issues all of the time, because I don’t.