Don’t forget Warframe and Destiny 2 players.
Don’t forget Warframe and Destiny 2 players.
Gonna move out of the country as soon. As realistically possible.
Does Destiny 2 count? Cuz that’s mine.
Apex - Unleash the Archers.
I don’t think space habitats any significant distance from Earth will be possible. Mitigating the increased radiation will be tough enough just trying to get to Mars, much less trying to stay in space out that far. At least on Mars we can hang out in old lava tubes or something.
On one hand, you have eternity to come to grips with everything you’ve done. On the other hand, it might take eternity to come to grips with everything you’ve done.
Seeing all of your friends and family die, knowing you’ll never stop missing them.
Having the perspective of centuries. Seeing society make the same mistakes over and over again because they forget, but you never do. It would drive me mad. Already does, considering I have the ability to, and have, read history. I just imagine living it over and over to be tedious.
Maybe. I honestly don’t know. Not really my field of expertise.
Moulding is the trim around walls and whatnot. Molding is when something is in the process of having mold growing on it.
‘Thick with three and a half c’s’ is one of my favorites.
Nah choom, them got flatlined.
Is the past tense of yeet yote or yeeted? I like yote better, personally.
Respect life, respect property, get consent.
Basically, people are people and deserve to be treated with equity. Any person is their own property, as is everything they own. If you want to physically interact with anyone’s property, get consent first.
The first campaign of Dungeons and Daddies is fantastic. It’s one I’ve come back to a couple of times.
Gah, everything. Interrupting my shows. Ruining the vibe before they even start. Destroying the time I’d use to contemplate the ending.
Nowadays, ads are just… everywhere. None of them are relevant because I don’t have the disposable income to buy superfluous things. They obstruct the view of the short-form videos I watch, they interrupt them, they clutter up webpages and make them load much slower than they should, they get in the way of my feed and the content I actually want to see.
They’re a nuisance, one that no online company seeks to minimize or control. It’s always just money money money. How can we make more money? I know, let’s make our pages and services so inconvenient to use that our users can’t help but accidentally click on every ad they see, or they pay us through the nose to get an experience that’s worse than what we used to offer for free.
I’ll do you one better: completely free.
Check out Ashes: 2063. It started life as a mod for Doom, but is now completely standalone and has more in common with the Metro games than anything else at this point. PC only, but both games and their expansions are 100% free and worth every minute of your time.
I truly wish I shared your optimism. As it stands, I’d be fine with the US not devolving into fascism.
The manager likely thinks it’s him, but it’s actually all the workers that do the work.
I’ve been trying to tell myself that it’ll be a good day before going into work every day. It’s made a big difference in my mood.
Ya rly