Sorry no clue the app doesn’t show urls but has always got me there. I do know there’s a reddit sub for the site it would probably be easy to find there.
Sorry no clue the app doesn’t show urls but has always got me there. I do know there’s a reddit sub for the site it would probably be easy to find there.
One thing I think Z-Library really did right is making an onion site and their own apps to find the site (I presume these have some tor ability built in as well I might be wrong though) .
I’d like to see more sites doing the same kind of thing.
Only virus I ever got was pespaces back in the 95 days it was a hard mess to clean up mainly because it infected every single exe file and broke a lot of them.
Kinda remember cleaning it up from a dos floppy then once clean basically reinstalling every broken program one at a time.
In hindsight I should have just done a fresh install but I was new to computers.
I sometimes think about disabling defender I think theres a site that can do it. Downside is it’ll probably break windows but yeah it annoys me it’s always wasting my battery plus yeah it throws fits over things like cracks
Last time I was mad enough to think about this it wasn’t even a crack it was Autohotkey it didn’t like.
Check for my super cheat powers and pick the first woman for my isekai harem.
I’m thinking odds are it’s either a busty elf or a cat girl 😜
I watched sword art online because I read a little about the plot and it sounded interesting to me. Second was High School DxD I believe I picked because there wasn’t much else dubbed (I don’t watch anything dubbed really now).
I went through a big binge of practically everything after that but only really watch the odd airing one now.
I think radios the fact the digital ones use much more battery and just break all the time. I think FM was higher quality as well at least in the UK.
Crows are a lot smarter than you would think my guess is it was trying to get you to help one of its friends or something.
I’d have had a good search around the area befriending crows can actually bring you some benifit like shiny gifts, or in some cases crow bodyguards as they actually recognise individuals as friends etc.
I’m kinda thinking sooner the better but I’m very fond of games like fallout.
I prefer them as well but if I want to keep something I usually encode to 576p I still don’t really see any difference on my displays and it’s just something I’ve been doing since I first tried encoding for the Sony Vita.
I had a ZX Spectrum + and the keyboard was pretty decent was much better than the rubber of the normal one. The Sinclair ZX81 probably takes the cake for worst overall as it was just a very thin membrane.
I use both but I’ll ditch reddit as soon as I can’t patch apps like Infinity with my own api key. Reddits more active but it’s also horrible to use if you don’t jump through hoop.
A Stremio plugin using this would be nice I keep needing to change mine almost on a monthly basis for some reason.
I wouldn’t hide I’d ambush them and call every police force etc I could think of.
I don’t think anything else is really a sensible option except trying to cover as much distance in 5 min as possible and again calling every one who could potentially help.
I had a friend whose family owned a video store, while it wasn’t exactly legal he could get me copies of everything and they were completely perfect Pirates.
I mean covers, labels and the actual tapes. They had specialised machines for all of it and they did it pretty perfectly.
Ive tried doing it myself by linking two machines together and the results were watchable but not on the same level as the machines he was using.
I get it, ipa is good and fixes surprisingly a lot but only ever use it on boards, components and things like buttons and connectors. Keep it away from screens and batteries.
I’ve always done this honestly maybe I didn’t explain well. It does do a miracle job on water damage if done early enough though.
True I’ve had screens on smaller devices go very distorted for a few days after ipa was used elsewhere. They did actually clear and go back to normal mind you and I’ve never actually went near an actual screen with ipa intentionally.
It’s when corrosion sets in things get unfixable. If you get to its insides before then some IPA and a decent scrub with something like toothbrush can clean it up.
The exception to this would probably only really be the battery and yeah that should be disconnected as the first step.
One of the reasons but not the main one I cancelled Netflix (to be honest I just thought the originals were bad and any I actually gave a a chance they cancelled almost immediately).
But yeah their selling thing like 4k at a premium and making it almost impossible to ever actually use it. Better off just pirating.
I got it from the zlibrary main site where they have the browser addons etc