Yeah one time I traveled to Europe and everyone was just running everywhere. Very efficient.
Yeah one time I traveled to Europe and everyone was just running everywhere. Very efficient.
Technology is great to discuss because it’s just logic and facts and objective arguments. But bring in politics and it becomes a mess and that’s the problem with this divide in the privacy community.
Good post in general, but I disagree with this in particular. All technology is political. Not in a Democrat/Republican way but in a “how do we distribute resources within society?” way. Not to mention a big selling point for privacy tools is that they can be used by political dissidents. I think a problem does arise when a community manages to fool itself into believing it’s apolitical when what it’s really done is develop an orthodoxy to shut down political discussion.
I think this is more of a truism within standup comedy that’s leaked out into being general advice. It can be offputting for a standup comedian to laugh at all their own jokes but even then there’s exceptions to the rule.
savings or investments
I don’t understand
Can someone explain what the problem is?
Can’t wait for deregulation to result in a tech bro reinvesting his Facebook money into an Uber But For Psychedelics startup that incentivizes mixing 9% more sawdust into my shrooms to maximize yield
Combo Class is a neat math education channel where things are often on fire or falling apart in the background in a way that’s fascinating on top of the math itself
Side note, I have no idea how many subscribers counts as obscure. It seems relative to the size of the niche. Or maybe I have no idea how big people are relative to how much I care about them. Like I would expect Ben Levin (music theory and production creator) to be closer in subs to Adam Neely (same) but he’s an entire order of magnitude lower. Like is CJ The X (video essayist) obscure enough at 341K subs?
Okay but I wanna know the findings of the study
Science inherently involves the reproduction of work that’s already been done. That’s how the process ensures reproducibility. Talking about the efficiency of science makes very little sense because the savings bought by science are privatized, viewed like externalities.
Rhizomes stay winning
Put Netanyahu, Assad, Erdogan, Khamenei and their cabinets and top people from Hezbollah in Hague then we can talk.
So what you’re saying is Assad must go?
Now if he could start making cuts to the military…
She got what she deserved
colden the relations with Israel
I thought this was a forum for Linux discussion, not promotion of fascists
Turns out everything is political
You left out the part where, instead of telling him to knock it off as soon as they learned about it and disciplining him internally as a student, the school contacted law enforcement and allowed him to continue doing it so they could prosecute him harder make an example out of him. You’d think if he was as big of a threat as you’re implying, they would stop what he was doing ASAP. And if you’re going to be pedantic about leaving out details, maybe tell the whole thing. Maybe it’s not “honest” enough if we haven’t posted the full text of a documentary in a comment. That’s clearly your call.
Worse than Bitcoin miners, AI seems to have the wholethroated support of capital (rather than a single faction), who see it as the next big form of automation
TIL evolution is bad at deleting legacy code