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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 23rd, 2024


  • exactly.

    i’ve been gardening for years. it’s a supplement. for like 1-2months i get nice produce that can feed a few people for a few weeks. but that’s it. i maybe produce 20lbs of produce in a year if i’m lucky. that’s over a dozen or two plants. i have a good sized garden of about 100 sq ft.

    not to mention the weather any year could totally f you. one year we had three months of drought, so i got like 2lbs of tomatoes that year.

    turns out i still buy like 95% of my produce from the grocery store… because it’s available year round and it’s hard to grow variety well unless you have multiple beds with differing soil and sun conditions.

    most folks grow tomoatoes and cukes because they are easy and produce abundantly. but i am not going to live on tomatoes and cukes 365 days a year.

    the space needed to grow squashes, berries, etc. is way way higher. you need a lot of land. and they are very low yield. a ten foot watermelon vine produces like maybe 1-2 melons per year and takes up 20 sq ft of garden space. a squash vine might produce 4-6 decent squash, etc. and a lot of veggies and plants are non complimentary, meaning they choke each other out if grown in proximity.

    the only person i know who has a varied and big garden is an engineer who has spend five figures producing dozens of beds, water systems, and etc. and he still gets a shitty yield some years due to weather and he struggles constantly with rabbits, groundhogs stealing his crop. he has a whole trap and kill system for them even now. because the critters know he is the place to go for the tasty plants. most home gardening grow a few tomato plants and make some tomato sauce and throw a dinner party and that’s the extent of their home gardening.

    it’s way more complex and difficult than some ‘hrr drr just bring back victory gardens’ nonsense. you’re average person isn’t going to be building a 1000sq ft veggie garden with fencing and dealing with all the part time job of labor and upkeep that it requires.

  • Right?

    it’s no different than the yahoos who they they would run the govt better. then they try and give up because it’s ‘too hard’. this is basically the same as soveign citizen BS, but with vegetables instead of guns.

    but we can’t let a complex reality get in the way of our well-intention delusions of smugness. because apparently if every citizen isn’t providing themselve wiht their own fruits and vegetables… it’s their complicity with corporations… or something.

  • and who will till the soil, weed, fight pests, harvest, etc.

    govt going to provide the physical labor and extra hours per week that is required too?

    I mean I get it. I’m a rich white person with a lot of leisure time and I own property where I can have a garden… but turns out not everyone has this stuff. Half my younger friends have no time and no property on which to garden. And those folks are much better off that say, a single mom of two who rents and is struggling to provide her kids with food because she’s working 50 hours a week to pay rent. Should I just tell her to ‘make your own garden! that will totally feed your family of three…’ just put dozens of hours into your concrete driveway of plastic tubs that will provide you with a few weeks of vegetables, most of which will rot before you can use them… unless you want to devote more time and money into canning.

    Gardening is great. But jerking myself off and generalizing and saying everyone else should be doing what i have the luxury to do… just makes me a smug self-righteous ass. People buy food from stores because it’s convenient and fast.

  • TubularTittyFrog@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlAdvice on finding a partner?
    2 months ago

    Yes. my major complaint in life is that most of my dates want to date a man who is a better version of themselves, but don’t want to do the work to be that person themselves. They just seem to think they can absorb qualities via dating a better person or something, it’s bizarre.

    basically most of my relationships ended because she refused to do the work to improve her life, and wanted me to do it for the both of us.

  • TubularTittyFrog@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlAdvice on finding a partner?
    2 months ago


    Plus a lot of very attractive people who get lots of attention have zero clue what it’s like to be an average person who gets little to none. And they all think they ‘are just average’. Or that other people should just ‘make more of an effort’. Wealth has a lot to do with it too. Ask a welathy person for dating advice and they will just tell you go out and drop five figures out the latest fashionable designer outfits… which isn’t viable for the person of an average wealth who is only spending like a grand or two a year on clothing.

    Things are privileges because you don’t know you have them. And pretty people are clueless about how they are treated and assume everyone else gets their level of interest.

  • TubularTittyFrog@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlAdvice on finding a partner?
    2 months ago

    Interesting to whom?

    A lot of us have interests and interesting lives, but unless those interests carrying social currency in your data demographic, they aren’t going to make you attractive. e.g. I don’t like travel very much, and it’s the #1 thing women in my area are interested in, so it makes me very undesirable. They could care less about my interests in literature and art, because it isn’t anything they can use to boast about to their girlfriends.

  • TubularTittyFrog@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlAdvice on finding a partner?
    2 months ago

    This is good advice. The issue with modern dating is people treat other people like amazon products… they want a return/full refund over the stupidest most inconsequential shit and have ‘requirements’ that are often ridiculously rigid and superfluous. That and they want instant, zero effort gratification. During the early dates… if there is any awkwardness or imperfection… they believe this is intolerable. I’ve had dates make dinner for me and the dinner game out imperfect, but perfectly edible and good, and they harped on it so hard and broke up with me over it.

    Not to mention the double standards. Sooo many people want someone who is better than them and meets standards that they don’t meet.