A transferee from Reddit. Also the person who does those imgur meme dumps.


  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • OK so if you want my advice, if you wanna just try distros, use DistroSea. Let’s you try out distros in your browser. But here we go:

    On DistroSea

    • Debian: There’s a reason Mint and Ubuntu are based on Debian and it’s always good to try out just straight up Debian. I know people are going to be all “uuugh but Mint is basically Debian with extra steps”, don’t care, try Debian, you might wanna use it for other things too. If you are familiar with LinuxMint, you’re going to be familiar with
    • Bunsenlabs Linux: Successor to Crunchbang, an OpenBox Ubuntu Distro. If you want something ultralight and different, you might wanna try Bunsenlabs. I used Crunchbang back in the day, may it rest in peace.
    • Pop!_OS: Made for creatives and programmers, seems to be beloved, don’t really care too much, ubuntu based.
    • Fedora: Not a Debian/Ubuntu based system, instead a RedHat based system. Try it if you wanna check out a non Debian based system.
    • Lubuntu: Is XFCE too heavy for you? Try Lubuntu, which used LXQT as it’s desktop with an aim of being lighter than Ubuntu Mate or even Xubuntu. Aimed at old laptops and netbooks, and the website even brags that it can run on an rPi.
    • Tails: Are you doing shit you don’t want your ISP or Government to know about? Are you a Journalist or an activist? Well Tails is for you, designed to be installed on a pendrive for plug n’ play action, this distro does everything through the Tor Network. It’s also marketed to victims of abuse as well, but let’s be honest if you trust the government these days you need to look at yourself in the mirror.

    Not on Distrosea

    • PuppyLinux: Holy ball this is a blast from the past. This is not available on Distrosea but it’s available to download. It is designed to be tiny, and I mean smol. It’s an example of how you can get a functional, low resource load OS.
    • TempleOS: This is not a Linux distribution, it’s barely usable as an OS, but it’s legendary. TempleOS was created by Terry Davis, an extremely talented programmer and Schitzophrenic who created this OS to be the third temple of God. No I am not joking. It is, however, today considered a work of art by a troubled man.

  • This bullshit comes up every five years or so and has done since the naughties. It goes like this.

    1. Government states they need a backdoor to encryption to stop terrorism/pedophilia.
    2. Privacy and tech groups say it’s a bad idea, children’s charities and anti-terrorist groups say it’s a good idea.
    3. Someone in the Civil Service informs a top politician that if there is a backdoor, hackers will find a way in and that could mean leaks of things the government doesn’t want the public to see like their affair with their intern or how they are doing to abolish devolution.
    4. They use an event to cover it up again.
    5. Next government, return to step one.

    This has happened under Blair, Brown, Cameron, May, Boris, Truss wasn’t around long enough (lol), and now Sunak.

    It’s funny because Boris Johnson is currently using an encrypted phone to stop giving evidence to the Covid Enquiry (namely his WhatsApp messages, yes, the UK government uses fuckin’ WhatsApp.

    We keep telling them it won’t work, that it will only put the data of law abiding citizens at risk, but they don’t listen and they keep playing the same game over and over.

  • abbiistabbii@lemmy.blahaj.zonetoMemes@lemmy.mlHow i feel on Lemmy
    1 year ago

    The core tenant of every form of Communism, regardless of if said party or organisation follows it, is as follows: that the means of production should belong to the workers who work them. If the means of production are not in the hands of the workers, then they are not communist. If they are in the hands of a CEO or a corporation, you have private capitalism or market capitalis like the US. If you put them in the hands of a state, they are in the state, you get state capitalism ala China or the USSR.

    The power structure of the state protects an upper class, be it billionaires or “the party”. If you abolish the state, but not capitalism, capitalism will rebuild the state (which is why Anarcho capitalism fails every time) and vice versa (which is what happens with Marxist Leninism).

    For a Communist or communalist society to work it needs to be Anarchist or classically Libertarian (aka like Bakunin or Kropotkin proposed, not “money first”). It needs to have a horizontal and democratic decision making process that is decentralised, federated, and involves all the members of the community or communities effected. If there is to be a state, it should be to facilitate the colaboration of communities in a bottom up manner. These are the features of almost every single effective or successful Anarchist or Socialist movements from Rojava or the Zapatistas, as well as non-political movements like the Open Source Movement, railway preservatiion movement, and even the early RNLI.

    The power structure thant would forbid a free market would be the collective weight of everyone else rather than a state that, sooner or later, becomes the jackboot of capital.