it’s almost like people can have shared experiences or something. Wild!
I make people upset just by using my eyes and brain, as such please be careful to ensure your tears do not get into your electronics, thank you
it’s almost like people can have shared experiences or something. Wild!
I have achieved that, when I was younger and skinnier, and it’s not even all that great. For one, yeah, kills your back. Two, it’s more like sucking dick than getting your dick sucked, so let’s hope you’re good at that – and if you are, you’re going to end up with a mouth full of cum.
Now, I’m gay, so these last two points didn’t bother me any, but I was so sore from the experience I did it like twice and then never bothered again. I imagine a straight guy would be even less impressed.
don’t you think more of your problems could be solved by the precise application of shitloads of cocaine?
dating in general
ah yes, cumlauts
the tags I used work fine for me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
lots of people use bofa! >!bofa deez nuts!<
in my experience, the sooner you accept that life is terrible and full of pain and misery, the sooner you cease to be surprised by it being terrible and full of pain and misery.
tl;dr “this might as well happen, I guess”
honorable mention for the legend of tile fucker
god bless you, you gloriously weird fucker
it’s nice to see I’ve never had an original thought in my life