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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • This whole raw milk thing is truly breaking my remaining faith in humanity. Like I saw how we responded to COVID and everything we’ve done across the past hundred plus years in destroying environments, greed, and selfishness but for some reason this raw milk saga is kinda like the straw that broke the camels back. Just intentionally trying to work against the whole species.

  • I think it was a 1998-ish Pontiac Grand Prix. I dated two different women that drove that car and so I had to ride around in them and sometimes drive them. Both were just a train wreck of problems. They shook violently sitting at a red light, the brakes always seemed to be failing, and everything that could break was falling off the cars. It’s weird that two women I dated owned the same car but more so that they both had the same problems.

  • Wish I had an answer. Had an older relative that was like this. Others say he was always like that and he died miserable. Never did figure out what drove him to be that way and many people tried and failed to befriend him and get to know him. No one succeeded including his neighbor who was the nicest person I ever met.

  • Are you sure they are taking it seriously? I’ve watched a bunch of Ancient Aliens and it was fun entertainment so long as it is recognized as just entertainment. The main voice in the show makes me fall asleep so I’ve technically had most episodes play across my screen. Me and coworkers make comments regularly that “it’s aliens man” as the reason for things. None of us see it as more than humor and maybe that’s the case with your people.