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Cake day: December 15th, 2023

  • 乇ㄥ乇¢ㄒ尺ㄖ@infosec.pubtoPrivacy@lemmy.mlHas Techlore sold out?
    2 hours ago

    I think I got confused by this Lemmy post claiming it was taken over, not “attempted”. If it was taken over, then why would they shoot themselves in the foot?

    They stole their funds, git repos, subreddit… they might as well declare it’s the end of the website even though they still hold ownership to some extent … That’s my understanding of it at least

    Privacytools seems shadier though, even if they’re claiming to be victims

    I agree

    This is all really insane. But there are people here saying that privacyguides are reputable

    It is indeed insane, at least PrivacyGuides doesn’t push for shitty products and insult his followers for not supporting him, however toxicity towards other projects ( especially GrapheneOS ) is completely allowed on their channels…

    I’m not saying we should cancel them and never speak about them again, but if you’re a fan of PG you should hold them accountable, because they can do better

    As for Techlore, 😮‍💨…I don’t think there’s hope for Henry… he went too far, he earned the title of a “privacy scammer” for me… and the sad part is that he knows it, he knows he’s in it for a quick buck not to spread the message

  • Defending ? so showing that Techlore is doing the same thing ( actually way more worse ) means I’m defending PT ?

    I’m not going into who’s more corrupt than the other, but I can provide a different source, if you think this one is problematic

    But yanno why I’m not focusing on Privacy Tools that much…A - because this post is about Techlore. B - Because the project is dead, so what’s the point?

    his shit website

    Using this language means nothing to me, and doesn’t effect me in anyway shape or form… I have no gain in the matter… they can both be down tomorrow, and I wouldn’t care

  • There’s no pretending… if you actually click the link the first video is about the practices or Techlore, so I’ll make it easy for you :


    The rest of the article, talks ( with proof ) about the betrayal of Jonah Argon, changing the website license for example…

    got butthurt when people created better alternatives that actually gave genuine advice instead of ads.

    Really ? Sounds like a very childish thing to be mad about… Especially when you realize there are many websites and blogs that are written by experts

    I’m not trying to be funny, I’m saying what happened, and simply don’t trust Techlore because or the lack of ethics…and going after the cash grab… What kind of Privacy minded individual drives a Tesla? Uses Apple hardware? Promotes proprietary solutions?

    genuine advice instead of ads

    Techlore literally said buy my course so you’ll have an ad free experience… And PrivacyGuides covers surface level stuff…

  • never ever spread them as the truth.

    How did you know it’s not the truth…because I implied it wasn’t… and I don’t see it as something that couldn’t happen, people asked for MicroG support for years…

    ROMs without network support.

    I’m not a huge fan of trolling

    because they get money for doing it,

    I can tell you no Open source ROM gets funds by Google, unless if it’s a program… For example GOS received many rewards for discovering vulnerabilities in AOSP

  • it couldn’t be as degoogled as LOS because LOS is vanilla

    This is about to change since LOS are about to include MicroG by default in future releases… Or so I heard from some Mastodon users who shared screenshots about an LOS update that installed MicroG

    GOS is private and secure more than any other ROM, but once you install the Unprivileged play store you lose some of that privacy while retaining security, MicroG is private but not as secure

    Still it’s a shame that LOS can’t find a better supporter than Google


  • That’s also not accurate, GOS comes fully degoogled, and doesn’t include any GAPPS or Google Play services, you have to install them yourself if you want compatibility with Google Apps or some banking apps

    even though they are sandboxed. There is no way it can be more degoogled than LOS

    That’s just false, even LOS isn’t fully degoogled and it still connects to Google in the background for necessary connectivity checks ( e.g. DNS ) and Esim activation for example

  • 乇ㄥ乇¢ㄒ尺ㄖ@infosec.pubtoPrivacy@lemmy.mlThought on Graphene?
    5 days ago

    There’s a lot of false information in your statements, GrapheneOS is not spyware, and it does a better job at degoogling than any other ROM mentioned in this thread, the only one that comes close is DivestOS, and no eOS is NOT like Qubes…

    GOS wanted to reduce the attack surface as much as possible so they removed all the unecessary Bloat, it doesn’t even ship with wallpapers !!

    This list is not exhaustive and covers a tiny bit of the differences between these custom ROMs but it’s a good place to start


  • I find this a seemingly straight-forward point I’ve never gotten a religious person to acknowledge.

    because they don’t see it that way, they have their own understanding of free will, religion sells itself as test ( for the most part ), if you pass the test ( temptation or whatever you wanna call it ) you’re qualified to enter heaven, so in a way even if you’re born christian or a Muslim you still going to get tested, so in their view it doesn’t change anything, but from our perspective, it changes everything because we bet that if their parents didn’t make them that way, they would never go that route on their own…

    99.99999% of people follow the religion they do because their parents did. Not because it’s true. That Christian, that Hindu, that Jew. It’s just because they were told it was true at birth.

    That’s why we must address the root cause of all this, which is religion, in Islam for example “Prophet” Mohammed piss be upon him, said

    “Every child is born in a state of fitrah, then his parents make him into a Jew or a Christian or a Magian.” (Agreed upon)

    As you can see, Mohammed doesn’t apply his own observation on his beliefs and because people glorify him, they will never dare to question his reasoning, which is also their own reasoning now…

    You can tell a religious person to criticise everything and everyone, and they can, tell them to redirect their critism to their own belief, and suddenly they’ll become intellectually handicapped

  • i see, I think that’s a problem of who is recommending the servers to people, I always go with one of the servers that are on the matrix.org website ( these has strict moderators and are under active development ), I can certainly go with another list of abstract/shady unknown servers but that’s a recipe for disaster…

    Btw, I’m not denying that there is terrible content on some of these servers/rooms, but I’m saying it’s a byproduct of the system architecture, Element/Matrix can implement more safety settings that’s for sure

    that being said the worse footage I saw in my entire life was on Facebook, and it was completely allowed, which tells you something about the platform and how little to no control you have to change it’s direction.

  • The UI is designed in such a way that it doesn’t expose the user to outside servers ( by default you’re on Matrix.org ) even when you press the discover button you’ll see rooms from the same server.

    the only way for an average user to get exposed to such rooms is by being invited to them by strangers or Bots ( so maybe there should be a way to disable community invites, especially Bot invites )

    Or maybe your client didn’t put much thought into the user journey and let you discover everything, even abstract/shady servers

    Don’t take this the wrong way, but do you lurk on Matrix everyday ? I’m not on the right ( wrong ) rooms because I only take what I need from any service, the Internet can be depressing, so my advice is to be careful