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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • She.

    And how are they keeping anything together. Market share isn’t substantially better than before and rather than focusing on the product mozilla was created for they keep pivoting to weird BS like this AI grab. I actually think market shares gone up recently… cause google pushed through manifestv3. That would’ve happened even if mozilla did nothing. I think mozillq is still the better browser but that sure as hell doesn’t seem to be because of whose in charge.

  • I mean, if you can afford it you should support industries. I pirate a lot. Movies. Games. Music. Etc. Nothing wrong with that IMO, at this point piracy is the closest we can get to true ownership over anything because the entire industry has f*cked over consumer rights for assumed profit. But I still buy physical releases because I don’t want content I enjoy to die and I like building a collection of good content. Blurays are great (although also DRM encumbered :/), nothing beats the smell of new manga, and at this point music streaming is just a far better experience than piracy (I use qobuz). If you’re young or poor then do what you have to to enjoy yourself. If you’re an adult with a great salary then don’t be an entitled prick. If theirs ways to support content you enjoy you should. If such ways aren’t provided like most Netflix originals not having blurays then f*ck Netflix release some blurays if you want my money.

  • aren’t I super clever for managing to create this hideously complicated Rube Goldberg machine to solve a problem caused by people not communicating with each other

    It’s amazing how with a language as fragmented as c++ that everyone seems to be independently discovering warts in the proposed module implementation and no one seems to be coordinating things to enforce consistency across compilers. I get these are all separately maintained projects but god no ones gonna use the thing if everything supports it differently.