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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • Is the train of thought that if the adult approves they can harvest data from minors regardless? It harvests data from anybody using the internet, not just person handling the settings. It doesn’t seem legal that the data harvest agreement binds all users in a household rather than the one managing the settings?

    Is that legal in Europe? is it legal to suddenly semi brick a device if you dont allow them to data harvest? Is it really considered giving consent freely when the device you paid $$ for suddenly no longer does 90% because you disagree with sudden data harvest practices?

    I can understand a feature not working because you disagree on sharing something. E.g: can’t tell you which pizza place is near you if you dont share your location.

    But this? I hope it’s illegal and they get sued into oblivion for this. This is super invasive.

  • Lets get one thing straight.

    This is rarely ever the developer and more a business stakeholder forcing you to push the Friday deploy button.

    I’ve had somebody in the business escalating to my team lead, head of development and CIO because i flat out refused to deploy something on Friday at 16h.

    So no. This is not the developer making a hard choice. There should be somebody coercing or forcing him to push the deploy button.

  • My main issue is that if I add the bitwarden TOTP secret string manually multiple times its generating different codes between the entries. Which seems like something that shouldn’t happen.

    It is a different format to the other ones I’ve got though.

    Fuck Microsoft authenticator though. Had to restore it to a new phones once and if you don’t do it on initial startup you can’t restore it at all. Good thing I had a secondary app that still had them. Absolute garbage.