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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • I can’t see your reply on my instance, @tal (currently 1 day ago, still not federated) so not sure if you will see this (or if you do, if I’ll see your 2nd reply…). EDIT: I forgot the first @ when I first posted, so I don’t know if it actually worked as a mention

    One was kicked off by someone generating polygonal-style art

    It’s visually striking (if you don’t look too closely), the 1st bonus image is best but I’d still go with a more minimal style. That and aside from hallucination, I would prefer live-rendered polygons. Infinite scalability is the point.

    Here’s something I made a while ago, animated eye (note: on my end, Imgur links don’t work unless viewed in private mode for whatever reason) though a full game with that style is not currently viable for me for multiple reasons (the feature is 4.X only and still an unmerged PR that may not perform well enough for common use, no Nim-lang bindings yet in 4.X).

    Carrier Command 2?

    I was confused at first, that style of 3D polygonal isn’t really uncommon. I don’t really buy things (esp not $30 level) and I need a hobby so that’s a part of it too*. For 3D art I’ve done, one of my threads is federated to your instance. Here’s the stuff that didn’t (these have no textures, only vertex colors):



    office plant

    Note the 1st and last show a white background in a new tab but the background is transparent (and show as such on Kbin).

    *= I mean I have seen some games that have a nice aesthetic, even better if they’re more “real” with it (though that is what’s hard to find)

  • The problem is that they overlap, usually all 3 interlocked. The threads/microblogs I’ve tried barely get responses (again, federation may be an issue), let alone even answers for even something like Blender. I can use Nim w/o art but I don’t have the ideas for it usually (or if I do other issues happen, including just lacking the desire to write for something like a game book).

    I’ve mostly waited for something to improve, but a while ago I started my own simple polygon loader/format and I worked a bit more on that today. I think I made one of my own questions irrelevant (assuming my condition to detect strip vs. fan is correct) and added a couple of other improvements. I don’t think it’s at a point I’d share it, but I probably could (should) try to make a simple game with it soon.

    Though I’d rather have 3D in Raylib (vertex colors not working with Nim bindings, Naylib) or more advanced 2D in Godot 4 (no Nim-lang bindings, and said feature is an unmerged PR that may not be performant enough for full game art).

  • I want to use Raylib, but mentioning it here on the fediverse doesn’t get much of a response (I can’t see a raylib community from my instance). My choice of language probably doesn’t help, though.

    My first issue is wanting vertex colors on 3D models and I am not getting this (this may be a problem with the bindings I’m using, naylib(nim-lang)). The second would be needing guidance for the 2D polygon text loader that I started.

    Maybe I could make simple GUI applications with raygui, but I don’t currently really have many viable ideas on what I would want to make.

    To OP: Another potential option is using Godot w/bindings. Design is pretty fast and flexible, then using signals is super easy.

    I’ve tested some frameworks (specific to my language, so not really helpful to most), the one that I liked more said it was declarative user interface framework based on GTK though I would prefer a similar thing for Qt and there wasn’t an ability to automatically scale text size to better fill the available button size (I was testing an adventure-book reader and hoping to use unicode characters).

    Frameworks for single page applications (or some other browser-based tech) might be ok for simple stuff. Similarly, I’ve liked the idea of TUI frameworks (yeah, because htop) but haven’t really tried that yet.

  • Aside from cost there’s also the issue of law, requiring people die of natural causes beforehand means most people will turn to soup before their brain can have any hope of being preserved.

    I have cynicism for lots of things involved here, but if I had the option from some shady person who seems like they are capable and vaguely aligned with me I’d probably take the chance especially if we could make some sort of a post-revival agreement. What a brain (put into a small machine and ideally alongside symbiotic systems) can do for the people who are still alive. Probably with my brain in a jar living in VR until the details are worked out.

    And if it doesn’t work out that way, well… That’s gooood soup!

  • I’ve only used Kbin, but it seems fairly decent as a commenter aside from some federation/stability/spam issues. I really like the idea of having access to the Mastodon side of things on top of the rest of the fediverse, even though it’s hit-or-miss.

    Thread wise, I suppose I haven’t posted enough to be statistically solid though it seems like it’s dead on the Kbin side of things and federation is even worse. I’ve thought about posting to lemmy.world (because 1 of my threads to a kbin community just got 2 LW commenters) but haven’t made new content to do so.

    I probably should join another instance but I think there is a balancing act between instance popularity and desiring conversation-of/help-with my niche interests, and it seems like that is one probably isn’t going to be resolved for a while.

  • It was a streaming site that pulled from a large amount of other sources automatically.

    Funnily enough it didn’t have any discovery features whatsoever (no front page, popular, latest etc), it was just a search bar that took you right into the video so you needed an idea what it is you wanted to see. And I don’t think it was nearly as popular as other sites (like you probably weren’t finding it from search results, as I don’t think it even had the info that’d be grabbed, and probably didn’t even have SEO or anything like that)

  • I was having similar thoughts about Nim and portability when I saw this Github project (it uses APE but it’s more like a runtime for software? though I’m not sure if actual usage is easy like other frameworks/libraries etc). Though honestly I will probably sooner do something with Godot or Raylib via bindings instead, which is unfortunate because the 2D polygonal style is not well supported* unless you keep it really simple.

    I’m thinking about tinkering with low-poly 3D+mostly untextured models (vertex colors, see vertex color skyboxes as an inspiration for the style/concept) to sidestep the 2D issue (as it’s well-established in 3D). My mousewheel is currently broken, though. And I’m not totally happy about the idea of using Blender, though any 3D editor opens up more options (in-engine stuff is cool, but probably locked-in).

    It’s also difficult finding discussion about Nim on the fediverse, particularly when people don’t explicitly say nim-lang. That and often Kbin doesn’t properly federate Mastodon replies so potential conversations are just broken. And I haven’t seen other languages that come close to the same feel, some scripting languages might be OK if their performance wasn’t a problem (and often there are options to help, but it also makes me question if it also wrecks their compatibility with bindings when it’s a different thing).

    * = 1. Godot 4 has a still-in-PR-stage feature that can be used for art but may not perform well enough to be used for an entire project with MSAA, also still no Nim bindings. Also even then, the editors could be better (vertex colors and internal vertices).
    2. I am not aware of polygonal tools for Raylib at all, started making a text format and loader but got bogged down on details. And it would be even more basic than Godot’s polygons, no animation aside from just making multiple frames and swapping (or maybe some basic transform effects, but this would all need to be done manually while Godot has in-engine animation).

  • I am not a programmer, but on 2 occasions I was able to improperly fix (1 argument in 1 line stuff) very small bugs without really understanding how. I’ve also made a number converter (dec-bin-hex) at least twice. I know those aren’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice twice.

    I’d say there’s an issue here with language design having major tradeoffs, but maybe it’s just a paradox*? Though I have found a language I like (even though I’m not learning it because other issues), so I know it’s not impossible at least.

    *= Like the people who could make something with less tradeoffs don’t have the need/desire to do that, they just use the existing stuff. Though that is much more fitting for visual programming.

  • My current laptop supply sounds about like R2D2 when my GPU is running full tilt and I’m maxed out on 18 of 20 cores with AI.

    But that’s the thing it happens at idle, and I’ve tried fixing it by unplugging+discharging and letting it sit unpowered in my colder-than-average room for 5 hours or so and it was still happening when I booted back up. So time or some other random thing seems to be a bigger difference.

    When I had it not happen for days, doing anything that made the fans ramp up didn’t cause it to happen (even full tilt as you said). In fact most of the time it’d start with nothing open other than the browser.

    I thought it might’ve been dust (despite my PSU being the least dusty component) but after dusting it doesn’t seem to have been the issue.

  • Even past 30 and with (mild) tinnitus, yeah my hearing is still great so I’m going to hear it. Light bulbs, chargers, the router etc.

    Recently my computer’s PSU has started randomly buzzing a not-quite-high frequency. It could be age (it’s from 2019) though I’m pretty sure it’s some kind of interference because sometimes it won’t make any noise at all for days and I’m pretty sure my light bulb (an LED filament bulb which doesn’t have much in the way of components) seems to also make different pitches of buzzing that coordinates with how much my computer PSU will buzz.

    Anyways it bothers me, so as soon as I post this I’m going to power-down and unplug my computer and switch to a different device for the next day or so.

  • I would say this falls apart when it gets to physical copies. Used sales, trading, borrowing, watching/playing together, recap videos or long-form reviews etc all can “deprive” value from seller’s immediate perspective (also for some things: DIY, clone recipes, dumpster diving etc). Also I don’t expect a company to have even the ability to determine if a downloader has ownership (especially if the only record is a physical receipt) before firing legal scares at people. It is even more pointless when a product is past its original life cycle.

    Fresh in the box office and before ROI sure, I can see a point (say for the source of a cam rip). But I could also see reviews or comments, spoilers etc to possibly have a greater effect than the cost of 1 ticket.

    Either way I’d say if people have the ability to pay, they will if the product is good and the company/service is respectable. That’s the point here, that paying customers are ultimately screwed over (just as I’m sure most employees/creators not at the very top were, because money). Also unsatisfied customers, lack of demos, lack of agreeable purchase methods/terms (also, too much splitting with subscriptions), lack of ability to give more direct support to creators (rather than publishers) etc.

    That and I don’t think the government should do much to protect the profits of highly successful entertainment companies who have massive budgets on lackluster ideas and underbaked products. The news of being able to trash a nearly-complete movie for a tax writeoff is terrible, for instance.

  • I know. They added some at one point and I installed an anti-CSD package, I’m also pretty sure they pulled back some of their plans because of backlash too.

    If they go full CSD I would probably need to find something else and probably just concede+just use the slimmest window theme there is rather than something frameless even (from what I’ve seen, other window theme systems are not as modular as xfwm which allows simply deleting the sides/bottom files etc).

    Someone could probably make this concept (frameless, minimal title bar, no title on maximized, no raise-on-focus, rolled-up windows, floating window buttons that are only on focused windows) into a simple window manager, probably not me any time soon though. And I’m not sure how easy that is on Wayland (I know options exist to make it easer–such as wlroots I think–though I don’t know how it’d compare to making something for X).