Man, I hate it when that happens.
Man, I hate it when that happens.
Hmmm, interesting. I like brew, for sure. And devcontainers worked ok for me when I was working on something by myself.
But as soon as I started working on a side project with a friend, who uses Ubuntu and was not trying to develop inside a container, things got more complicated and I decided to just use brew instead. I’m sure I could have figured it out, but we are both working full time and have families and are just doing this for fun. I didn’t want to hold us up!
Our little project’s back end runs in a docker compose with a Postgres instance. It’s no problem to run it like that for testing.
Maybe a re-read of the documentation for devcontainers would help…
Personally, I have found the developer experience on Bluefin-dx (the only one I’ve tried…) to be…. mixed.
VSCode + Devcontainers, which are the recommended path, are pretty fiddly. I have spent as much time trying to get them to behave themselves as I have actually writing code.
Personally, I’ve resorted to using Homebrew to install dev tools. The CLI tools it installs are sandboxed to the user’s home directory and they have everything.
It’s not containers - I deploy stuff in containers all the time. But, at least right now, the tooling to actually develop inside containers is kind of awkward. Or at least that’s been my experience so far.
I think the ublue project is fantastic and I really like what they are doing. But most of the world of developer tooling just isn’t there yet. Everything you can think of has instructions on how to get it going in Ubuntu in a traditional installation. We just aren’t there yet with things like Devcontainers.
Yes, though traditional point-and-click GUI apps will also be rendered according to the same rules.
However, a lot of fans of tiling window managers also use things like terminal-based file mangers, have relatively well developed Neovim configs, etc.
So, it’s kind a whole THING that some folks really enjoy.
Veronica is awesome and deserves a bigger following, no doubt.
I use Aurora (the KDE version) as a software dev/ gaming machine. It’s great!
Nothing is temporary. Every script, patch, application, and duct tape MacGyver/Scotty inspired fix I’ve ever written will run for eternity….
Yeah, I do all my development in WSL2 (Ubuntu) at work every day. I use VSCode on the Windows 11 host. It’s great!
Would I prefer to use Linux natively? Sure, but I also have to support some Windows-only legacy code and a D365 environment or two, so Windows makes sense.
Came here to upvote for the exact same reasons.
Yeah, ujust is pretty cool!
At work, we’re a Windows shop. So mostly Docker (desktop) via WSL2. But it depends on the project. Sometimes it’s just NodeJS in Windows itself!
At home, mostly tools like nvm and Python venvs to handle multiple projects with potentially overlapping/problematic dependencies that I want to isolate from the base system.
Either way, initial testing happens locally with Docker compose, sometimes minikube depending on the project.
With Bluefin-DX it’s a lot of the same concepts but the included tools get you there a different, and honestly easier and more convenient way. But I have learn how to use those tools!
Bluefin-DX is great! I’m still figuring out how everything works - there are a lot of tools included that are new to me, despite being a cloud-oriented developer.
It’s a very different way to use Linux, from how the OS is constructed, to the container-first nature of the default applications and intended workflow. But I’m really enjoying learning how to use it.
I’m a programmer! I use Linux and Windows. In fact, I’m now in my second job in a Microsoft shop (and no, neither were/are .NET…). And I’ve had exactly zero jobs where I was issued or allowed to use a Linux machine.
Almost 10 years into my own Linux journey, I’m feeling the pull to Debian.
I’m just hanging out in denial right now on Pop OS.
Thanks, I’ll look into that. KDE is awesome and it would be fun to contribute in some small way.
I’m a developer, but my career has been very web-focused. What languages would I need to learn to contribute to KDE apps?
Yes, please!
I write C# for a living and I’m the same - Windows at work, Linux at home.
I use VSCode on both OSes. On Linux, I only use VSCode for C# and I have the MS-free version for any other languages I want to use.
I also use VSCode 95% on my work laptop which is a Windows machine. The extension Ms are really good and the dotnet CLI is pretty robust. There are also extensions that can help you deploy stuff to Azure too.
Honestly, I don’t even try native versions (when they exist) for most games. I go straight to Proton or Lutris.
The US government basically ONLY uses SQL…