hi i’m ngoomie/Tommie and im catboy

it/he, also I’m 20 years old for the record

I also have an Akkoma account: @nu@pl.hyperboreal.zone

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • Even without considering laptops, I can already imagine quite a few circumstances where someone might want monitors of differing DPIs. I’ve actually thought sometimes of getting a smaller monitor I can have off to the side that I display a browser window containing mostly text on when I’m playing videogames or working in something like Blender or Aseprite; yknow, for referencing a guide, wiki, or manual or something. I don’t even have a super high desire for a multi-monitor setup outside of that.

  • I honestly just stick with X11 because of the high degree of compatibility, and I often already rely on X11-only software anyways like Redshift (I know there’s Wayland-supporting alternatives, but I’m picky and don’t like switching if I don’t feel I need to), also my DE/WM of choice is currently awesomewm and I think I’ve heard mixed things about using awesomewm on Wayland (or it might not even be compatible at all. I just woke up and I’m struggling to remember lol)

  • Fedora! Have been super not a fan of Windows for years now so I avoid it hardcore when I can.

    Linux in general is a lot easier to set up programming environments on, and also just generally it’s a lot more flexible when it comes to customization, which is definitely important when you’re a big picky bitchbaby like I am.

    Fedora specifically I like because there’s something I just really like about RHEL-related distros (to the point that i use Rocky Linux on my server also). They feel really polished and dnf is probably my favourite package manager of all the ones I’ve tried so far. I do have a few issues with it, and I miss having access to the AUR when I used various Arch-baseds over the years, but all in all I’m very happy with it and I don’t see myself switching distros for desktop use any time soon.