Economics: How much are you willing to pay?
Economics: How much are you willing to pay?
Smarter you in a few years ;)
I’m with you on that. My comment was more like sometimes the appendices seem to get out of hand. They probably contain entire papers there.
No need to rush to conclusions, I do read appendices when needed. My point is not that authors should cut the appendices or compromise on any other good open science practices. The point is that disproportionately large appendices make one wonder if some of that stuff actually belongs in the main text. If it is just a robustness check that gives a similar result, fine, make a footnote in the main text and put the analysis in the appendix. But what if it is actually relevant information that changes the perception of the main text?
Pretty sure that’s referee 2
The derivation of the OLS killed me. But other than that, does it look like a legit paper or is it some BS?
Alpha scientist on an SUV: just push it out