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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • Make the children internet token based for kids, use a yubikey or something (no password to learn), and leave the regular internet as is. Make ISPs provide families with kids access to both, either via subnet or dedicated hardware.

    From there just have policy to not give the unrestricted network access to kids. Aka parenting. Public institutions like libraries can have most open terminals on the “safenet” and limited public access to the unfiltered net.

    For a “poor man’s version” of this concept, you could do a pi-hole sub-network for home use, but the internet elsewhere is still the internet.

    That’s one possible idea anyways, and a damn sight better than porn credits.

  • Legally, you own a disc, and a limited license to view the contents of the disc.

    It’s effectively full ownership, but this same “limited license” model is how they fuck you over digitally, because without the disc, they can, at any time, revoke that limited license legally, because it was limited and they never granted full ownership. This is why the legality of pirating a movie you already own on Blu-ray is morally correct but legally wrong, because your license only grants you that one disc, in that one format.

    I fucking hate it. The fact we dont have better property laws for media and IP is insane.

  • I’m a lifelong windows power user, and above average even in my industry for knowledge on technical expertise.

    Nothing I know translates to Linux. Not the file structures, the commands, the permissions, the file systems.

    You truly have to commit to learning an entirely parallel form of computing environment to become comfortable in Linux. And being frank, it is the most customizable and unique user experience out there, but it is also infinitely less user friendly. And for every time a 2 line terminal command fixes a problem and saves time compared with windows, there are dozens of instances where time is wasted for hours learning that command, its exact syntax and usage, and if it is the one you need for your circumstance.

    Another user here recently said that it was when they were going through and compiling their own drivers to make their Webcam work and having to follow guides to make system specific tweaks that they just quit and went back to Windows for ease of use.

    Linux is the OS of power users. Not even power users like me, but extreme power users who either have the time or training to learn that parallel system. All of which is easy if this is your job, but in many ways you are learning a second language of sorts.

  • The Windows command line is just so far removed from linux/mac terminal. Powershell is the closest Windows has out of the box really, and it’s a poweruser tool exclusively. Not to mention that by default, Powershell comes with aliases for common commandline inputs, so users are still not learning the correct commands and syntax.

    This builds an ignorance problem, as you alluded to. I’ve done a lot in android and linux, but not enough where I can hammer away at a linux terminal and do anything but cause damage.

    And I don’t think this is a “fault” in linux so to speak, but it’s an issue that needs to be overcome for most users to make the switch from something where the terminal was strictly and “optional” tool for them.