From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free 🇵🇸

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023

  • orca@orcas.enjoying.yachtstoLinux@lemmy.mlWhy do you still hate Windows?
    21 hours ago

    Windows has basically become malware. It does a fuck ton of tracking, and all of its features are about appeasing shareholders over users.

    If we want to get technical: I loathe it because even in the year 2024, it’s the only operating system I’ve witnessed that will absolutely grind to a halt when a third party application stops responding or crashes. There is no valid fucking reason why the parent system should be halted by an application that crashes.

    Also, ads in the start panel. Absolutely not, Microsoft. No way in hell am I allowing that to live on a computer I own. Yes, I’m aware third party apps will address that but it shouldn’t be a thing to begin with.

    Oh yeah, and it decided to automatically update itself to the latest version on my ASUS ROG laptop while the thing was closed and not in use. So upon booting it up and seeing ads in the UI, I wiped the system clean and installed Nobara. Bye bye. 👋

  • I just installed Nobara on my gaming laptop. The benefits are preconfigured settings, and apps like Steam and Lutris come preinstalled. These distros are a convenience over trying to trudge through all of that stuff yourself. I was able to get things up and running quickly because someone was nice enough to trudge through that stuff themselves.

  • I can hold a shield up while still complaining about someone shooting arrows at me. The complaints aren’t suddenly negated simply because I got my hands on a shield.

    Also, companies are actively and constantly finding ways around those blockers, and there are psychological and UX reasons as to why companies use tiny X buttons, or X buttons that are often very hard to see. Take a look at dark patterns.

  • Or the technical challenge being ridiculous like a lot of them are. If you have that many people failing it, that tells me some or all of these things are true:

    1. Management, or whoever they hire for handling candidates, is not screening them well
    2. The challenge is needlessly complex
    3. The challenge requirements are not clear
    4. The company expects absolute prod-ready perfection but told the candidates “don’t spend more than 2-3 hours on this,” despite it taking one of their own engineers 6-8 hours
    5. The salary is way too low and they’re not getting candidates that fit their demands (e.g. wanting “senior” while offering “junior” salaries)

    Seriously, some tech companies think they shit gold and give ridiculous challenges that reflect that delusion.

    Source: been in tech since 2005 and in a terminal since I was 12.