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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2023

  • I like Will Wood, his stuff has been described as “evil jazz”, but it ranges from calm and soothing singer-songwriter type stuff to a full upbeat jazz band with chaotic composition and arrangement. I find his lyrics insightful, but they are also often quite abstract.

    Cute girls doing cute things have some nice tracks, but many of them feel a bit the same-y.

    The Vienna Clarinet Collection has great covers of classic clarinet songs, but classical and jazz.

    I couldn’t choose one, so here are a few jazz bands I like: Francis Coppieters, Loftys Comet, T-Square, Micheal Lowerstern, Archie Shepp, Sons of Kemet, and Mansur Brown

  • This talking point doesn’t make sense to me because feminine and masculine voices sound different, so it would make sense that some aspects maybe annoying one a feminine voice and not a masculine voice, and vice versa. Also, I don’t think that some of the source of annoyance comes from the voice itself, but it’s cultural association. The reason why it is so annoying to me is because I associate it with vanity and celebrity worship (probably because of the Kardashians, couldn’t tell you which one as I try to avoid them at all costs).

  • I’m currently taking a class about this (kinda). The current system, which is, in the states, neoliberal capitalism (redundancy for clarity) encourages people to act immorally, or more accurately under a set of morals that justifies those actions. A different system can encourage a different set of actions to get success, and a different set of morals to justify those actions. This is a large part of politics. The other part is praxis, or getting that in place. I’m not going to share the set of theory I believe in, but rather common ways people try to impose their desired version of society.

    One way is through the current system, even if you want to completely change it. This is what the class I am talking about. You identify who has power, why they act the way they do, and how you can get them to enact your policies, or at least gain power yourself. This method falls under a lot of criticism, as it stands to reason that a system built by those in power cannot overthrow them. You can’t use the master’s tools against him.

    The other way is revolution, but that has its own problems. It is hard to convince people to completely change everything, and when it does happen, it often happens in the best way possible for those who have power. It also isn’t any more moral than the other options, but that is the nature of changing an immoral system. Welcome to politics.

    Disclaimer: I’m by no means an expert, as I am just getting into political theory, both in my own studies and formal education.

  • Arguments aren’t about winning. You will almost never convince someone your arguing with. Treat it more like a chance to better understand and strengthen your beliefs through putting them up to criticism and an opportunity to learn about a view you disagree with. I’ve found I have gained much more from arguments doing this. You can find flaws in your argument faster than doing it yourself, and you can fully understand the opposite opinion, it’s line of logic, assumptions, and where it comes from, to truly understand why it is wrong. And you never know, that seed of doubt planted by a good argument could eventually change your or your opponents mind.

    This is why online arguments suck. The other person often won’t use critical thinking and just spout the same points regurgitated from their own little world, along with some logical fallacies to spice it up.

  • I was put under for wisdom tooth removal (wasn’t complicated, but small military clinic things differently than civilian hospitals)

    I remember seeing the iv go in the waking up to being told to breath. (Side-effect of the anesthesia, not scary in the moment, but you do need to consciously breathe). I regained memory right away. I got up after I was cleared, about 20 minutes. My legs were a bit noodly. I walked out to the car and talked with my dad all the way back.

    Your might be different because I’m am young and quite healthy. But my advice is to try not to panic. It makes it easier for everyone involved, and if you die to some freak accident, you die in peace :)