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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Your question implies the answer is black and white, but its not. Its very complicated and uncertain and we’ve got to take a nuanced view of things.

    Obviously it’s not gonna sway anyone who’s gonna vote for him

    Its not this black and white. According to a poll: “only 4% of Trump’s supporters said they would withdraw their backing if he’s convicted of a felony, though another 16% said they would reconsider it.” https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/6-months-out-tight-presidential-race-trump-biden-poll/story?id=109909175

    This may or may not affect things - depends on how it plays out and where since swing districts usually decide preseidential electons.

    is there any actual way this keeps him from office

    There’s multiple ways it could influence things beyond just changing voting decisions. It could lead to the campaign spending more money on legal fees for appeal and therefore less on ads, campaign rallies etc. It could also have the opposite effect of firing up Trump’s base and leading to more donations, more votes and potentially political violence.

    Its a situation that’s never happened before, and its very complicated and uncertain. Anyone who says they have the answer is trying to sell you the fantasy of certainty in an uncertain world.

  • I definitely think there are things you can do to lessen the effect of ads on your decision making.

    The best way is to try not to see ads at all. Use Ad Blockers on all digital devices. Wear headphones in public places. Train yourself to look away from billboards, elevator televisions and all other kinds of physical environment advertising. Don’t shop at stores run by the products’ brand. Every time you see a product recommendation, ask yourself if its possible the writer got paid for making that recommendation.

    There are also lots of behavioral approaches you can take to un-do the effect of marketing and advertising when purchasing things. Define what you need before you start looking at products. Use the price per oz instead of packaging shape to make decisions at the grocery store. Only buy store brand.

    That’s all my helpful advice, but I’m also guilty of taking this stuff too far. There are absolutely products that I would like, but refuse to buy because I hate them for advertising to me. I’ve stopped consuming lots of media because I thought their advertising revenue approach was gross. I have a bunch of generic containers & big bottle of GooGone in my house and remove all the labels from everything I buy as soon as I bring them home. These things don’t actually help… its just spiteful behavior I haven’t been able to bring myself to move past unfortunately.

  • I’m a hardcore introvert who rarely gets lonely, but it does happen occasionally.

    Similar to your school function, I find it helpful to have one regular, structured event in my life that forces socialization.

    For me that’s a tabletop gaming group - we meet once a week to play. The structure and shared goal is helpful, because it takes the pressure off of pure socialization. If I’m feeling social I can crack jokes & banter during the game, but if not I can just focus on playing.

    Also, a weekly cadence means that missing one session doesn’t make me feel super lonely, because I know another is coming soon. Your function sounds tougher since its only once a year - you might be better off finding a similar activity that happens more regularly.