Musician, mechanic, writer, dreamer, techy, green thumb, emigrant, BP2, ADHD, Father, weirdo


  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Re: DuckDuckGo:

    You can sign-up and manage your aliases from any browser on any OS

    But not on the TOR or Mull browsers on Android:

    ETA: I use both DDG and SimpleLogin. I recently bumped up against the ten alias limit in SL, but I prefer the ease of creating outgoing aliases in their dashboard vs the DDG method of manually typing with underscores. That said, they both come in handy and I have dozens of DDG aliases that helped me break my dependence on gmail as my single email provider. Never tried Addy.

  • I’d use the find command piped to mv and play with some empty test folders first. I’m not familiar with Nemo, though I’ve used it for a short while. I’ve never tried the bulk renaming features if they exist.

    Depending in how much variation you have in the preceding underscores, REGEX may be useful, but if its just a lot of single underscores you can easily trim them with a single version of the script.

    Edit: corrected second command typo. I think there’s a rename command I haven’t used in ages that may have args to help here too, but I’m away from the PC

  • If you’re unfamiliar with the change being implemented, Google is using every android device to detect every other device and report that location to a central database. You can then go to the Find My Device app or website and your device can be located if it’s been seen by any other device.

    There’s no need for the user to access anybody else’s device.

    My concern is that my privacy is now being invaded by all the scanning devices in my area, and everybody’s movements are even more transparent for the data brokers.

  • Some AV Processors include a night mode or loudness processing that attempts to normalize the levels. In practice, the levels will lower some, but perhaps not enough to alleviate the problem.

    You could try reporting the provider, but it’s likely their legal team would argue the CALM act doesn’t apply to them. Come to think of it, the FCC may not have ever formalized the rules still…

  • This is classic efficient market hypothesis brain worms, the kind of cognitive dead-end that you arrive at when you conceive of people in purely economic terms, without considering the power relationships between them. It’s a dead end you navigate to if you only think about things as they are today – vast numbers of indebted people who command fewer assets and lower wages than at any time since WWII – and treat this as a “natural” state: “how can these poors expect to be offered more debt unless they agree to have their all-important pocket computers booby-trapped?”

    -Cory Doctorow from his blog, unintentionally addressing you

  • Man, Google really does suck now. It feels nearly impossible to get something like a how-to deep in the Debian FAQs to come up, as it mostly surfaces this auto-generated SEO crap

    By design. The longer you’re Googling, the more ads they can sell.

    …Ben Gomes – a long-tenured googler who helped define the company during its best years – lost a fight with Prabhakar Raghavan, a computer scientist turned manager whose tactic for increasing the number of search queries (and thus the number of ads the company could show to searchers) was to decrease the quality of search. That way, searchers would have to spend more time on Google before they found what they were looking for.