Just a funny imposition of the Mediterranean Sea over the US
Just a funny imposition of the Mediterranean Sea over the US
At around 13, with no experience outside knowing how to ride a bike, attempted a 6 foot BMX bike jump, the kind with a near-verticle lip. After two bailed attempts, I committed to MORE SPEED on the third try. I went straight up, couldn’t position the bike forward, and fell directly backward onto my unhelmeted head and back onto packed dirt and gravel. Always kind of felt dumber, slower after that day
Dr bronners soaps, change scent seasonally. Arm & Hammer deodorant, think it’s lavender scented. Kinda burns my armpits at times, but I’m not going to be one of those “I don’t wear deodorant but I don’t stink” people who actually is very stinky
Maybe eels are just really good at mazes