• 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • In terms of privacy in public, the Vision Pro isn’t much different from Google Glass. Both have video recording capabilities, and both displayed some form of indication when recording.

    The only real difference is that the Vision Pro is easier to spot in public due to the bulkier design.

    It will be interesting to see if there will be similar “Glasshole” reaction to the Vision Pro once they are seen in public enough.

  • The AS/400 platform is still alive and actively maintained by IBM so I’m told, although I think it goes under the Power Systems and IBM i brands now. I know several business still using them, with development teams still coding with RPG etc. Apparently there is also reasonable ecosystem of middleware to interface with more modern systems, and some sort of *nix compatibility layer to run more modern software on the platform.

    I’ve never touched one myself, but they are keeping a few greybeards I know in steady work.

  • It wouldn’t surprise me if there were still a few production Itanium systems in server rooms somewhere, running some obscure or bespoke proprietary software that can’t be migrated to anything else. There are other more arcane systems still being limped along in businesses around the world, for some frighteningly critical applications in some case.

    Itanium support being dropped probably has a handful of admins panicking, but in the eyes of the kernel developers it’s a case of “put up or shut up”.

  • In my experience the whole DVB driver situation on Another problem is that DVB really runs out of favor. It is not “cool anymore” as everyone uses streaming services nowadays and so less and less “spare time developers” still care about “TV”. This even seems to be visible in less and less DVB hardware still developed.

    I’ve noticed this recently. Some of my family still likes to watch broadcast TV bit our DVB-S receiver is starting to get old and cranky. I started to look at computer based solutions for this, as media PCs were the hot thing for a while and I figured solutions would be fairly mature at this point. We are already suing Jellyfin for media playback so I figured it made sense to to look look for computer based TV as well.

    Unfortunately it seems to have passed through maturity and is heading into obscurity. Tuners seem hard to find, drivers are poorly maintained and playback software is looking long in the tooth also.

    Do you have any particular recommendations for DVB-S IP devices? I’d been looking at conventional tuners up until now.