• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 31st, 2023


  • i have a single box i use for data storage; backup; wifi; router; and switch.

    it runs ubuntu on the bare iron with

    • a windows 10 kvm/qemu vm with pci pass through on wifi to get 1 gig wifi speeds on intel in ap mode (intel won’t allow it using linux drivers)
    • a pfsense kvm/qemu vm for router & firewall to internet and with pci pass through on a 1 gig nic to gap the internet from the base ubuntu
    • dns & ip masquerade along with kvm/qemu based sofware defined networking for windows, pfsense and ubuntu to forward all wifi and cabled network through to internet and
    • connected via 3 gig nic and switch for much faster local data storage and backup on the ubuntu install.
    • vpn and remote backup using pfsense for access to my setup from anywhere else in the world. (eg routing traffic from the office to my home connection for personal use and access to my data)

    topographically, it looks like this, but in reality it’s all one box:

                                  ┌────┐                    ┌─────────────┐                             
              ┌───────────────────┤vpn │ ┌──────────────────┤windows (wifi│                             
              ▼                   └────┘ │                  └─────────────┘                             
    ┌──────────┐                         │                                                              
    │ internet │                         │                                                              
    └──────────┘                         ▼                  ┌───────┐        ┌──────┐      ┌───────────┐
              ▲                ┌─────────┐                  │ubuntu │◄───────┤switch│◄─────┤  backups  │
              └────────────────┤ pfsense │◄─────────────────┴───────┘        └──────┘      └───────────┘

  • intellectual pursuits combined with recent-ish DNA test revealed to me that i’m from a very recently dead culture (american yaqui & tarahumara) whose very few aware decedents have been fighting tooth-and-nail to re-cultivate it by patterning themselves after their nearest cousins (mexican yaqui & tarahumara) along with a recent recognition from the american government for the pascua reservation in arizona.

    they were literally wiped out by the pogroms carried out by colonial settlers in the american southwestern united states during the 19th and early 20th centuries and it was merely the imaginary line on the map called the mexican border that allowed anything from the culture to survive at all.

    if it weren’t for people who rejected colonialist narrative of indigenous people happily becoming mestizos (or americans with Cherokee princess great grandma’s); there would be nothing but a fringe belief and, if it weren’t for DNA tests that heavily bolsters it, that fringe belief would continue to wane into nothingness.

    you’d think that 2/3rds of your DNA being tied to a group of people and their genocide occurring less than 2 generations ago would ensure that something of that cultural inheritance would survive, but I’m living & breathing proof that the colonial narrative is MUCH more powerful than any heritage as the older generations of my family continue to strenuously reject both the science and the lore of their true roots.

  • timicin@lemmygrad.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlMade the switch to KDE
    10 months ago

    i started using kde once personal computers became beefy enough to handle it well around 2002 but switched to gnome because gnome felt more polished at the time and i recently switched back and, you’re right, the customize-ability is impressive after using gnome for the last 15-ish years.

    it’s also daunting/frustrating at times too.

  • in the fall of 2002 the windows millennium installation on my computer broke, trapping an entire semester’s worth of work on the hard drive and i was a starving college student with less than $20 to my name, so i couldn’t afford to buy windows xp and didn’t know anyone where i could get a pirate copy from.

    i bought a mandrake linux cd pack for $8 from circuit city and used google in the computer laboratory to learn how to mount the hard drive, install drivers for ntfs and copy my all my work to a usb drive and i’ve been using linux ever since. i switch to 100% only linux both professionally and personally sometime around 2010.