The last time Trump won, there was this constant barrage of scandals and frankly horrifying news permeating my online experience. And while I admit that from my European perspective, there was some entertainment in the whole thing, the experience was more exhausting than anything else.

I like to keep up with the news, but I also like my mental health. Are there any effective strategies for keeping the amount of trump-spam I’m exposed to at an absolute minimum, while also keeping up with whatever else is going on in the world?

    4 months ago

    I’ve used the Spoiler Protection 2.0 extension in the past, though it hasn’t been updated in a long time so there may be a better option.

    It doesn’t block content but places a big red overlay over links, headlines, images (that are tagged) and videos. It’s not fool proof but definitely useful if you want to block “Trump” or “Musk” or whatever else.