Literally the only correct answer other than polite silence.
Literally the only correct answer other than polite silence.
This should help
I was gonna say lol that’s a fancy way of describing three-ways
Fun fact, you can put as many 4-ways in between those 3-ways as you want, or as many as your electrician will agree to anyway. You can switch the same light from a dozen spots if you really want to.
Makes sense, thanks. More of a data transmission than an electrical power thing.
Would you explain how, for a simpleton?
Solid = conforming
Gas = non-conforming
Fluid = either or both depending on the person at the moment
Super critical = ignores gender as a concept entirely in their self-definition; OR, considers themselves a gender that is based on different standards entirely, like certain religious positions in human cultures where a spiritual leader is considered to be neither/no gender
Transcendence of gender as a concept entirely
I am I, gender is a social construct I no longer need. My gender can be perceived in infinite variations depending upon the observer.
I had a little Mazda B2200 truck for a while. The gauges didn’t work so I had no idea how much gas I had, how hot it was, or how fast I was going. And it leaked everything, gas included. Thing only actually got me to where I was going half the time.
Gave it to a friend and he fixed it up
Back in my day that was called the Kubrick Tilt
Damn kids and their Chinese cartoons
Night Lords reading this like “nice”
Nothing comes to mind, but I don’t follow them closely. I just remember they were involved in that major leak that took down a ton of fascists by doxxing them.
Which, IMO, was fucking dope. Some high-level infiltration led to that information.
That’s fair. Leave that to the dedicated antifa espionage types, they have funds for this kind of stuff. I’m sure they see it as worthwhile if they can disrupt the group entirely for the price of $20 or whatever.
First, spoof your IP address.
Then, start with Facebook. Create a realistic looking account, preferably with bots for friends, and start sharing and commenting on hateful groups’ posts. They’ll come out of the woodwork and if you play your cards right you get invited to Discord servers and shit like that where the really heinous stuff happens.
Then, after taking months of screenshots and compiling all the data you can, you turn it over to Unicorn Riot or a similar group and watch the fireworks.
Their struggles with alcoholism led to me becoming an alcoholic, which nearly killed me multiple times, and did end up killing my mom before she was 60.
Fortunately I got sober a year before she passed. I’d have almost certainly drank myself to death had I not.
Omg LOIC… I was trying to think of that name a few weeks ago and just couldn’t remember. That was fun.
For real. That’s a nice trailer. Any dingus with a truck could run off with it in 5 minutes.
Sounds like some shit the Culture does
This is what happens when you get too high and Dr Dog - Listening In is playing
Oh I pulled that from Google, I just looked until I found the one that helped me grasp it.