the wolves always move the goalpost regarding who, exactly, is the weakest or sickliest. whenver they take the weakest or sickliest, ANOTHER one becomes the weakest/sickliest after that.
It will happen to
Y O U .
Atomic energy enthusiast. Architecture enjoyer. Mecha appreciator. Sci-Fi reader. Friendly neighborhood shameless degenerate. Winged caniform synthetic biped techno-lich. Mostly Harmless™. Poly-Panro-Demi It/They/He
the wolves always move the goalpost regarding who, exactly, is the weakest or sickliest. whenver they take the weakest or sickliest, ANOTHER one becomes the weakest/sickliest after that.
It will happen to
Y O U .
perhaps the only ethical consumption under capitalism is that which denies capitalists their profit.
If you’ve got it, flaunt it.
I hope she manages to set up an irrevocable trust that guarantees steady income for the rest of her life so someday she can quit sex work and just pursue art or something if she wants
Hell, maybe it’ll turn out that sex work is her art and that is ok too
No apologies necessary! I actually thought it was more likely that going on. I hope I did not come across as too confrontational!
It’s also good for (at least some?) neurological people.
I would like to preface that I am not saying this to be judgemental and I’m not implying that anyone was hurt by it, but,
I’m not sure if you used “neurological” instead of “neurotypical” on purpose…? Because literally every creature with a brain is neurological.
And while I definitely used “neurodiverse” instead of “neurodivergent” on purpose because it feels nicer, implying that the opposite term is “neurological” might sound to some as though you are implying that neurodivergent/aneurotypical people have no neurological framework and I hesitate to jump to the conclusion that that’s actually what you meant.
“Hey look at this cool rock i found” is definitely a valid courting technique for neurodiverse persons :3
but USUALLY never diamonds.
Feels like a metaphor for Gen Z at large tbh
The same guy who deliberately messed with the vending machine will also intentionally misplace the delivery of the skull gun aug module, smh.
Steam implies water! What if we used some OTHER phase-change working fluid? :D
||(No idea what, though. my question is implied with a playful tone and is at least 50% facetious; any actual discussion that might result would be little more than a pleasant coincidence)||
“what if fire… But… MOAR”
I somehow managed to condition myself into thinking of gay as a complement term. People I hung out with in high school used to call things “straight” derogatively. Something was straight if it was boring, bland, predictable, superficially performative in a conformist manner, etc.
We’re all at least a little gay 💜
2012 does indeed still feel like a major inflection point.
the internet was awesome for like … twenty years. thirty if you count the era where people mostly communicated through newsgroups and such. it feels like the enshittification was so sudden…
There are many many many insane people who are running no virtual machines at all.
dicks out for Harambetits out for Shabani
Barbara’s barbarian rhubarb bar