[BIO UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Teenager male, not english native.
Nota: qualquer semelhança com figuras ou eventos reais é mera coincidência.
Unrelated but yesterday I saw a post where the person was mocking those concerned by the chinese getting their data, saying things like “why would they care” and some people sarcastically saying they wouldn’t understand the data because “it was in another language”. Were those people right or not?
Maybe try using Librewolf with the Facebook container add-on?
I don’t think leaving Proton due to their CEO approving Trump is that reasonable
Proton has a good service
Why isn’t this featured on the frontpage?
You shouldn’t be licking toads, little dummy! /lh
Have you tried https://postimages.org/? There’s also some other website that I forgot the name of.
Badass photo! But isn’t Discord bad to hosting images?
You momma is FAT (with water and salt)
You might not believe about what the Bible says about Jesus, but historically, there was at some point a person named Jesus. Whether or not he was like the Bible describes is another story. /lh
What is it like?
What I can do about it?
Nice profile picture!
I’ve heard that there’s some problems with picking up only the most popular servers, and that mastodon.social has some moderation issues
Really? This is the first time I’m hearing all of this /g
Nice profile picture!
Those who forget the past, are condemed to repeat it.
Let’s just forget everything, ok?
0 posts, 1956 comnents. Stop complaining (there are worse memes) or start making some of your own. /s