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Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • Sanyanov@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlSwitched my Parents to Linux
    10 months ago

    Recommending Linux is good; forcing it down someone’s throat is not.

    If parents are just comfy using Windows, it’ll get them super frustrated when they’ll face new issues coming from Linux use, as you just can’t turn Linux into Windows and they never asked for it.

    Now, if they complain about all the shit Windows throws at them, you can offer an alternative.

  • Your analogy is not entirely correct.

    As a viewer, I do not demand producers to create remakes or enhanced versions. They do it themselves - to take profits off relatively easy work, compared to, you know, producing a new great film or whatnot.

    The correct comparison would be me writing a book and selling it, and then writing an appendix to this book and selling it separately with a solid price tag.

    If I’m an honest author, I’d post updates freely, so that people who already own the book would have important data and wouldn’t use incorrect results from there. It would affect my reputation if I’d do otherwise, too.

    In my real case, I can publish an update, and yes, it will be free. This is a standard for scientific articles, open or not, and many even have easy links for version updates, containing all corrections.

    And my boss pays me because otherwise I wouldn’t be able to produce the first result to begin with.

    Also, the very idea of digital media is to be accessible and not transient. You can save and backup data and it will be there, in its original form, forever. Updates in art are entirely optional and often unasked for.

  • I still don’t get where you’re going with that. Pointing out that in the past physical media did a little bit of the same, draining fans of money with re-releases that just added what’s been cut or were enhanced in other ways? Then that’s same as, say, DLCs: a small amount of work draining much more money than it’s worth, just as means of squeezing more cash from fans while making the base thing affordable for a wide audience. It’s just about maximizing profit way beyond the point of payback. Greed, essentially, and nothing else.

    As per How I Met Your Mother, I kinda felt the ending to be somewhat natural, even though it seems like they didn’t think it through well to begin with. And yes, it’s super cruel to kill Ted’s wife - she’s extremely nice and suits him better and I get your feelings. But this is also a very logical plot twist, and the ending feels…like it should’ve been. I just knew it’d end up there.

    And as per ethics, everything I produce (I work in scientific field) I hold no rights to, and they either belong to a company, sadly (on one job that actually pays me enough to survive), or are in the public domain (open access scientific articles, available for everyone in full text). I wish it would all be the latter. I do not want to retain copyright on anything I make, and I wish for it in general to be abolished. And until that’s not the case, I’m comfortable breaching it forcefully.

  • So you’re saying you want one show, and you pay subscription to see it, but then, if you want to watch it again, you have to pay subscription again, and at that point the “paying subscription for a show” model kinda breaks.

    I absolutely didn’t get your argument on digital media. Film is not a stage performance - the former is recorded once, the latter needs to be manually recreated every time. Every performance is a lot of labor, and it needs to be paid. Every film view is literally nothing.

    And yes, I personally have an ethical system strictly opposed to this, and, really, business/corporate greed in general, and I don’t think I’m alone here. And in the digital space, we can pack a punch.

  • Bonus point: they will be about passion, not the money.

    Not saying money shouldn’t be there - we need to support free creators so they could make a living and pursue their passion - but copyright is too often not about that in particular, being owned often not by the authors and squeezing everything if the creation gets popular.

  • For text, I’d go with HuggingChat based on open-source Llama model. Previously there was Open Assistant, but it got closed. For pictures, renowned Stable Diffusion is the way to go. For music - Stable Audio, respectively.

    Please note that none of them are GPL-licensed, so while they are open-source, they can sadly get commercialized in some form in the future. Also, while models are free, in order to meaningfully use them you have to either go through their service (which may annoy with registration, or even take payment for premium features), or train the model yourself (which is unrealistic for a home user). So this is still far from perfect, but it’s miles ahead of trash options from the original comment.

  • To be completely fair, even open-source AIs are a little bit of a black box due to the way neural networks work - but I’d greatly appreciate if we at least knew the parameters on which it is trained.

    It is absolutely possible to train all sorts of biases in a closed-source AI, and that’s what would be very hard in an open-source model. You can roughly set up outputs at whatever. In other ways, using open-source practically removes the malicious human factor (without removing positive impact)

    Open-source models also can’t be restricted, paywalled or limited in any meaningful way, which is also vital.

  • Ah, that name was left from when they’ve been open-source, which us why I advocate for the emergence of GPL-licensed projects.

    The open-source license for GPT model was very relaxed, which OpenAI took advantage of and, once it could afford their own programmer staff, closed the code with all the contributions all the programmers from all over the world have made.

    It’s an extremely dick move, and it was repeated by Google, too.

  • Agreed here.

    We should be ready for the harsh reality - we just should strive to improve it ourselves.

    It takes a big heart to treat people differently from how you were treated, but that’s what makes us humans.

    And for as long as the reality is the way it is, we have to brace up to have a chance in challenging it.