Gay furry IT person.

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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 11th, 2024


  • I really wish we’d have chosen a term that does not include “sex” because it leads to a distorted view such as yours that it must be sexual. It’s in the name after all, right?
    But heterosexuality has been promoted to kids for ages now! Children’s shows include married couples for example (husband + wife) or the main character goes into a relationship with a character of the opposite gender. So why does the same thing suddenly become “grooming” and “inappropriate” when it’s husband + husband or wife + wife?

    Also, covering homosexuality in school does not equate to having “kids choose their sexuality”. Not to mention that it’s not a choice anyway.

  • Don’t think it would be that easy. What Yast does is creating a middle layer between the actual config files and the user. You can look at it, most (if not all) of it is stored in /etc/sysconfig. Yast generates the actual config files out of what is stored there. This can be a headache because editing the config files directly will sometimes lead to them just being overwritten bei Yast again.
    This is probably the reason why other distros don’t even want to adopt Yast, it would have to fundamentally change how it interacts with the config files.
    And the cool new thing is Cockpit anyway, even though it can do only a fraction of what Yast can last time I checked…

  • Most responses tell you to add them yourself which is a solution to this problem. But I think the reason why the state of businesses on OSM and Organic Maps (which uses OSM as a source) is so dire is interesting too:

    OSM must not use other maps as sources. In fact, they must not use any information that hasn’t been licensed in a way that specifically allows OSM to use it. As such, they can’t just go to Google Maps and copy all the business information over because Google has not licensed that information in an open way. Information like streets, paths or houses can be gleaned from satellite pictures that have been provided to OSM and can be put in easily so they tend to be up-to-date. But for businesses, someone has to actually go there and confirm the information.

    Now why is Google so good at that? Because almost every business owner makes sure to put their business on GMaps themselves and keep that information updated so it doesn’t depend on one person going through the area regularly.